A web application to change user passwords on Samba SMB
- Translation language automatic (English, Spanish)
- Password history
- Of course change your SMB password
- Install dependencies.
$ pip install-r requirements.txt
- Create the configuration file.
$ cp pysambaweb/local_settings.py.example pysambaweb/local_settings.py
- Create the database
$ python manage.py syncdb
- Settings for SAMBA SMB service
$ vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
#Add this configuration
passdb backend = smbpasswd
encrypt passwords = True
security = user
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/db/smbpasswd
- Assign permissions
chown apache /etc/samba/db/smbpasswd
- Settings for SUDO
$ visudo
#Add this configuration
apache ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/smbpasswd
- Run the service (dedug mode is enabled)
$ python manage.py runserver
- Run the service (dedug mode is disabled)
$ python manage.py runserver - insecure