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Totem is a React Native app, a hybrid of ObjectiveC (iOS) and javascript (NodeJS).
For the Javascript side of things I'm using node 4 with https://github.com/creationix/nvm
$ node --version
Install the node deps. In the repo's root directory:
$ npm install
I'm using node 4.1.1 (but anything recent-ish should work. And I'm just starting out with npm3 (grr, npm!).
React native does hot code reloading, so to watch for changes in the files:
$ brew install watchman
or if you already have watchman installed:
$ brew upgrade watchman
Optionally, you can:
$ npm start
This will start the react packager up. The packager is a service that provides the app (running on the device or simulator) with the JS code for basic app functionality. This is used in development. For production releases, we take a snapshot of the JS, and bundle and minify it.
Note that XCode will start the packager automatically for you, so I'm noting this just so that you know this is an essential part of the application architecture.
In Xcode, open the Totem.xcodeproj file from the ios directort. This opens the project up in apple's flagship IDE. There you can start the process of building (⌘ B) or running the app (⌘ R)
The apple build system is a little arcane, so be aware of:
- Target: influence linking and overall build process)
- Scheme: collection of build parameters for a target
- Build Configuration: Main parameter for branching build structure
OK, now we should be able to run the app. Look in api/README
information on how to set up the API.
Once the app has loaded, use ⌘R to reload and ⌘D to launch the debugger in Chrome (you may need to install an extension)
right now, all we have are some rspecs in the api
$ cd api && be rspec spec/
and some jest unit tests:
$ npm test
calabash end-to-end tests are WIP
To set up vim for linting, I've added the following to my janus vimrc.after:
let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['eslint']
To configure eslint, babel-eslint, eslint-plugin-react I've set up a
file that kills a few of the react rules and sets up a
global strict mode. You can find it in the root of this repo.