Collect and plot system statistics such as CPU utilization and disk utilization metrics.
You need to install python3 and matplotlib
sudo yum install python3
sudo yum install python3-pip
pip3 install matplotlib
Edit the ./ and fix the path to the file:
"$(pwd)"/system_util/ \
-b "${RESULT_DIR}"/diskstats-before-* \
-a "${RESULT_DIR}"/diskstats-after-* \
-s "${RESULT_DIR}"/iostat-* \
-r "${RESULT_DIR}" \
Edit the ./ and fix the path to the file:
"$(pwd)"/system_util/ \
-i ${IOSTAT} \
-o ${RESULT_DIR}/plots \
-s ${DEVICES[0]}
Before run set in file the devices that you want to get metrics by setting DEVICES variable.
./ -d <directory/with/results>
your application
./ -d <directory/with/results>
./ -r <directory/with/results> -d <dev1> -d <dev2>
##TODO: Add a configuration file