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Joplin upload plugin




1.插件通过Metaweblog api访问博客园后台

2.先上传图片到博客园,获取博客园图片的URL,然后替换笔记中对应的图片链接; (由于使用的是博客园的图片url,转载到其他网站不能正常显示图片)





npm install -g yo generator-joplin webpack webpack-cli
npm install metaweblog-api plantuml-encoder
yo joplin  # 先随便写参数,然后最后更新的时候不要更新src下的index.ts和manifest.json,其他全部overlay
npm run dist


  1. 在设置中填写cnblog设置项

    • Enable publish :上传到博客园时是否直接发布,选择否时上传到草稿箱
    • cnblog metaweblog url:metaweblog链接地址,在博客园设置中最下面可以找到
    • cnblog username:博客园用户名,一般是自己的登录邮箱
    • cnblog password:博客园用户密码
  2. 撰写笔记

  3. 在右上角有一个箭头,点击即可上传至博客园


  1. Fork 本仓库
  2. 新建 Feat_xxx 分支
  3. 提交代码
  4. 新建 Pull Request

Joplin Plugin Tutorial(common)

参考:Getting started with plugin development

Setting up your environment

First you need to setup your environment:

But first install Yeoman and the Joplin Plugin Generator:

npm install -g yo generator-joplin

Then, in the directory where you plan to develop the plugin, run:

yo joplin

This will generate the basic scaffolding of the plugin. At the root of it, there are a number of configuration files which you normally won't need to change. Then the src/ directory will contain your code. By default, the project uses TypeScript, but you are free to use plain JavaScript too - eventually the project is compiled to plain JS in any case.

The src/ directory also contains a manifest.json file, which contains the various information about the plugin that was set in the initial generation of the scaffolding, such as its name, homepage URL, etc. You can edit this at any time, but editing it after it has been published may cause users to have to download it again.

Run Joplin in Development Mode

You should test your plugin in Development Mode. Doing so means that Joplin will run using a different profile, so you can experiment with the plugin without risking to accidentally change or delete your data.

Building the plugin

The plugin is built using Webpack, which creates the compiled code in /dist. A JPL archive will also be created at the root, which can use to distribute the plugin.

To build the plugin, simply run npm run dist.

The project is setup to use TypeScript, although you can change the configuration to use plain JavaScript.

Updating the plugin framework

To update the plugin framework, run npm run update.

In general this command tries to do the right thing - in particular it's going to merge the changes in package.json and .gitignore instead of overwriting. It will also leave "/src" as well as untouched.

The file that may cause problem is "webpack.config.js" because it's going to be overwritten. For that reason, if you want to change it, consider creating a separate JavaScript file and include it in webpack.config.js. That way, when you update, you only have to restore the line that include your file.

Install the plugin

Open Joplin Configuration > Plugins section. Under Advanced Settings, add the plugin path in the Development plugins text field.This should be the path to your main plugin directory, i.e. path/to/your/root/plugin/directory.

Test the Plugin, Hello World!

Restart the Development app from the command line/terminal, and Joplin should load the plugin and execute its onStart handler. If all went well you should see the test message in the plugin console: "Hello world. Test plugin started!". You will also be able to see the information from the manifest in the Settings > Plugins

Next steps

Great, you now have the basics of a working plugin!

This is a template to create a new Joplin plugin.

The main two files you will want to look at are:

  • /src/index.ts, which contains the entry point for the plugin source code.
  • /src/manifest.json, which is the plugin manifest. It contains information such as the plugin a name, version, etc.


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