Simple single-page entrance to all the online services at ITU (widgetized with /links to the websites).
Built on CakePHP for the backend with jQuery, CSS3, HTML5 and plenty of utils on the front-end. Hosted at a dedicated unix server on Linode. GitHub used for code rep and deployment/CI.
- PHP5x
- MySQL or equivalent
- Apache/webserver w/ htaccess and mod_rewrite support
- a kick-ass webbrowser! (you know which)
- phpMyAdmin or equivalent can be useful
v0.1 BETA
- git clone [email protected]:ituinnovators/dashboard.git
- mysqladmin -u root -p create itu-dashboard
- cp app/config/database.php.default app/config/database.php
- EDIT AND UPDATE database.php
- cake/console/cake schema create -s NUMBER (e.g. 4)
- make a local dir 'itu-project' for the project (apache/webserver needs access to here)
- git clone the project to your local project dir ('git clone [email protected]:ituinnovators/dashboard.git')
- create an empty MySQL DB called 'itu-dashboard' (no tables, just the DB)
- copy app/config/database.php.default to app/config/database.php
- edit database.php with your own local DB info
- from your project dir, run 'cake/console/cake schema create -s NUMBER' (replace with number of the newest schema_NUMBER.php file, e.g. 4), select y & y when asked
- now you have a DB with all the tables needed including a little data
- kick up your browser and you're baking baby!
mysqladmin path in MAMP (OSX):
add this to database for MAMP (OSX) to work:
'port' => '/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock',
default login:
user: admin
pass: admin
- goto models/widget.php
- create function myWidget($args) (look at existing function)
- create an entry in widgets table with the same name (case sesitive)
- goto home_controller.php
- add line: $this->set('WidgetmyWidget', ClassRegistry::init('Widget')->myWidget(array('session' => $user, 'cookie' => $cookie))); to add it to the dashboard