I made a thing that will help me shit post in my slack channels better. If you decide to use it, please use this power for good (aka chaotic evil). If you are in HackGT, please use this power for #delaware and not for #texas because GO TEAM DELAWARE!
Anything for the m e m e s.
I made this emoji text so I could spam the #texas channel and/or annoy some of my friends. It was a waste of my Friday night but I am very happy with the results.
- Your text that you want to write. For example:
- "ok boomer"
- "how dare you"
- "delaware is the best state"
- Your favorite emoji. For example:
- 👏
- 😡
- 💁♀️
Great! now you have the two arguments, write out:
python Emoji.py "yeet" ":clap:"
And your result would be this:
Or another idea, if you are one of those annoying people who says lit unironically, you could post
python Emoji.py "lit" ":party_parrot:"
Evan hates it when I type my words out inCONsiSTenTlY so I wrote a simple little script that will do it for me, thus, annoying Evan with efficiency
python InconsistentCapitalization.py "hello evan how are you this fine day"
hELlo EVAN hOw ARe yoU thiS finE dAy