This is a Statamic widget that shows statistics from Fathom Analytics on your Statamic dashboard. Developed by Itiden.
Require the addon using Composer
composer require itiden/statamic-fa-widget
You need to add the following variables to your .env
You can also manage your settings in the configuration file by publishing it:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="fa-widget-config"
If you don't set a hostname, your results will be for all hostnames your site has.
You also need to add the widget to the widget array in config/statamic/cp.php file, as you would with any other widget.
'type' => 'fa',
'width' => 100,
We recommend you use the widget at 100 width.
The Fathom Analytics API is in a early access phase and might change causing this addon to fail.
We will do our best to make sure it is updated when the API changes.
The fathom analytics API don't yet support filtering for multiple hostnames, so for now only the first will be used.
Itiden is not affiliated with Fathom Analytics, nor is it part of the company that owns Fathom Analytics, Conva Ventures Inc. We have created this widget for our own use in projects and comissions, and simply want to share it with whoever wants to use it in their project or site.