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Preliminary Setup

Govind.S.B edited this page Oct 17, 2021 · 25 revisions

This section will cover things required to actually run Freqtrade / NFI , such as installation of dependencies , ways to deploy NFI on your system and sync it with this repo to receive updates as they arrive , general configurations for Freqtrade such as a basic blacklist used by the community , rate limit settings , things of that sort . NFI Specific configurations will be in another section

Freqtrade Setup and Syncing with Private Repo

Depending upon your OS , Freqtrade installation can differ to quite an extent . There are primarily 2 ways to do it either installing natively to your OS or using Docker . If you are really constrained with the resources you have go the native route , but it is highly recommended to use the Docker Installation since majority of the users use it and most development will be catering to that user base , plus its easier to get everything else configured once you have Docker Setup . You can check the Freqtrade docs for the other methods , we will be covering the docker method of things for the sake of keeping things simple.

Native Installation

If you go with a lower end machine and you dont have enough swap allocated , you might want to check out the Native Installation , since now docker seems to be struggling with a 1GB ram system . You can find more instructions over here

Docker Installation

This is also be going to vary a bit depending on your OS , but once you have docker installed things should be easy.

Docker For Windows

For Windows Docker Installation carries a few prerequisites , first of all we need to check if Hyper-V is supported for your system.

To Check this run systeminfo in cmd

If you see a No after the Virtualization Enabled In Firmware setting, you have to go into your BIOS (or UEFI firmware) settings and turn on support for virtualization , this guide might help you with that Alternatively you could just watch a YouTube video of a walkthrough for your systems BIOS settings (but you probably know this)

You can verify if the virtualization got enabled by using systeminfo command again

Now to enable Hyper-V :

If you are on Windows Home use this :

For WSL and Docker Installation : ( Docker Desktop comes with docker and docker compose ) . Also you can just skip the optional stuff , just follow along till the logout and signin part

Docker For Linux

Its pretty straight forward for Linux , since there is no virtualization involved.

Follow this guide to get docker installed : , till step 4 , where you run hello world , the rest is quite unnecessary

Then configure docker to start on boot :

sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl enable containerd.service

Now to Install docker-compose run this sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install docker docker-compose -y and then sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER do a reboot or switch user later and u should be done (sudo reboot)

Docker For Mac

I got no idea on how things are on the Mac , my friends say its easier than windows But yeah I never tested it first hand . Would be great if someone else could fill this up :D

Now with that done you should be all set to install to Freqtrade next

Freqtrade Installation For Docker

The Freqtrade Documentation has this part covered quite well I would suggest you follow this . Also dont bother much about what you choose for the configs , we will be replacing it with something fine tuned for NFI and give u suggestions on how to optimise it

(if you want to get used to Freqtrade a bit before you get into using NFI , check this playlist )

VPS Bot Hosting

Choosing a VPS is completely optional but highly recommended , since it gives u the least latency to the exchanegs servers and uninterrupted running of the bot compared to it running on your local machine such as a pi or your PC . So yeah if u dont mind it , highly encouraged to get one .

So regarding the choice of VPS , most NFI users here prefers Vultr due to its great performance and reasonable pricing , but for those who want the cheapest option there is maybe try to go for contabo

Here is a referral link for Vultr , This gives you 100 USD of credits to use for 30 days in vultr

For Binance and Kucoin , Vultr tokyo high frequency plans seem to be the most optimal , so I suggest you for the same (btw use these referrals to sign up for exchanges if possible to support iterativ : Binance , Kucoin , [Huobi]{}

Now Assuming u chose Vultr , here are the instructions to set things up fast this is a note i have written a while ago regarding VPS service providers and how to set the bot First choose a plan from the high frequency line of VPS , then choose Tokyo location and Debian 10 x64 , the rest fill as you want to and make your new VPS instance .

Grab a ssh client (most os have a ssh client pre installed in them , go check terminal) , and then login to the vps as root

Next since this is a fresh Linux system , you need a sudo user account created . For that follow this

Maybe also allocate swap to the system

The Rest on how to set up docker and docker-compose is above in the [linux installation[( part

Next regarding how to add strategy file to the vps instance , there are multiple ways to do this

Option 1 : Add File Manually to VPS folder For this we will use GUI enabled SFTP client , I suggest something like WinSCP for windows users , for other OSs I am not that familiar Now via WinSCP you can manually add files to the desired location in your vps and drag and drops stuff in there from your local machine .

Option 2 : Including the file download instruction in the docker build file For this make you dockercustom file something like this

FROM freqtradeorg/freqtrade:stable

# grabing strategy from web
ADD /freqtrade/user_data/strategies/docker-grab/
VOLUME /freqtrade/user_data/strategies/docker-grab/

# Switch user to root if you must install something from apt
# Don't forget to switch the user back below!
USER root

# Dependencies
RUN pip install pandas-ta

#switching back to normal user
USER ftuser

Also make a empty folder docker-grab in strategies folder for docker

Now with this when you rebuild your docker image with docker-compose build --no-cache the latest available strategy from git will be downloaded along with dependencies and be binded to the image . Be sure add the docker-grab folder to the strategies directory in the docker file for this to work

Option 3 : Clone NFI git repo and symlink it to strategies folder (i havent tried this but everyone other than me is using this on the NFI server , If someone reads this and knows how to do this please fill the thing here briefly or DM me ~Violtetto)

This is what is generally recommended by the community , and many auto strategy updaters have been written around this (these can be found in extra stuff / tips)

General Configs

For optimal performance, suggested to use between 4 and 6 open trades, with unlimited stake.

A pairlist with 40 to 80 pairs. Volume pairlist works well.

Prefer stable coin (USDT, BUSD etc) pairs, instead of BTC or ETH pairs.

Highly recommended to blacklist leveraged tokens (*BULL, *BEAR, *UP, *DOWN etc).

Ensure that you don't override any variables in you config.json. Especially the timeframe (must be 5m).

  • use_sell_signal must set to true (or not set at all).
  • sell_profit_only must set to false (or not set at all).
  • ignore_roi_if_buy_signal must set to true (or not set at all).