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GSoC 2023 Community Bonding Period May 4 May 28 Filippo Finke

Filippo Finke edited this page May 28, 2023 · 1 revision

Community Bonding Period Report May 4 - May 28

During the Community Bonding period of Google Summer of Code (GSoC), I have been actively preparing for the project and establishing a strong foundation for a successful collaboration. In this report, I will outline the tasks I have completed and the progress made thus far.

Accomplished Tasks

  1. Introduced myself to the soc mailing list of OSGeo

  2. Created my OSGeo User Profile: I have set up my OSGeo User Profile^1 to establish my presence within the community and provide a platform for project updates and contributions. This profile serves as a central hub to showcase my work and engage with the OSGeo community.

  3. Wiki and Repository Setup: I have added relevant links to my project's wiki pages and public repository on the accepted student's wiki page^2. This allows easy access to the project documentation and codebase.

  4. Familiarized with Documentation: To make sure I fully understood the GSoC program requirements, I carefully read and studied the guide provided by Google for GSoC students and the specific instructions given by OSGeo.

  5. SensorThingsAPI Research: As the project involves implementing the SensorThingsAPI, I dedicated time to researching and reading the SensorThingsAPI official specification^3.

  6. GSoC Contributor Summit: I actively participated in the GSoC Contributor Summit, which provided valuable insights into the program.

  7. Welcome Meet with ORG Admins: I participated in the Welcome Meet organized by the organization administrators. The meet included important topics like introductions, reporting procedures, setting communication guidelines, and clarifying expectations. This session helped create a feeling of community and offered an opportunity to ask questions or share any concerns.

  8. Communication with Mentors: Maintaining good communication with my mentors is important for a successful GSoC project. Throughout the Community Bonding period, I have regularly been in touch with my mentors, talking about project planning, answering questions, and getting guidance on what to do next. This has helped us create a clear plan and ensure we all understand the project goals.

  9. Project Setup: I created a local copy of the GitHub repository, which will be my working space. I downloaded all the necessary components and installed the required software packages for the project ^4.

Project Details and Technologies

The mentors have decided to create a private Slack channel for the project, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration among the team members. This dedicated communication channel ensures efficient coordination, timely updates, and prompt issue resolution.

For the implementation of the project, we will be recreating it from scratch using the following technologies:

  • Python: The project will be developed primarily using Python programming language for its versatility and extensive libraries ecosystem.

  • PostgREST: We will leverage PostgREST, a powerful web server that exposes PostgreSQL databases as a RESTful API, to simplify and streamline the API implementation. PostgREST enables us to generate a comprehensive and efficient API layer without writing extensive boilerplate code.

  • FastAPI: FastAPI will serve as the web framework for building efficient, modern, and high-performance APIs with automatic documentation generation.

  • PostgreSQL: The project will utilize PostgreSQL as the database management system due to its robustness, scalability, and compatibility with the selected technologies.

Project Plan

To ensure efficient project management and collaboration, we will be utilizing the GitHub Project feature and its associated issues for task tracking and assignment. This will help us stay organized, track progress, and ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner.

Collaboration with Teammate

I have also had successful meetings with my teammate, Saail^5, who is also part of this GSoC project. These meetings helped us work well together, set our goals, and agree on how to develop the project as a team. We talked about the project's structure, how to divide tasks, and agreed on a plan to make sure we make steady progress during the summer.

By working closely with Saail, we plan to use our skills and share ideas to achieve excellent results for the project.


During the Community Bonding period, I have not encountered any blockers. I have been able to complete all the tasks. I have also been able to communicate with my mentors and teammates without any issues.

Next Steps

Communicate with my mentors and teammates to discuss the project plan and divide tasks. I will also be working on the project setup and start coding.


The Community Bonding period has been essential in preparing for a successful and productive summer. Having a well-defined project plan, good communication, and a supportive team, I'm excited to start the coding phase of GSoC and make meaningful contributions to the project.

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