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This package provides the solver library based on Shifted-Krylov subspace method and the software to calculate dynamical Green function by inputting the Hamiltonian and the vector of the excited state.



  • fortran compiler
  • BLAS library
  • LAPACK library (Used in the sample program)
  • MPI library (Optional)


Directory Tree

  • app/: The directory for the software
    • src/: The source directory for the software
    • sample/: The sample directory
      • Shiftk.nb: The mathmatica note book to test the software (for developers)
      • denovo/: Sample files not to input either Hamiltonian and the right-hand side initial vector
      • from_file/: Sample files to input both Hamiltonian and the right-hand side initial vector
  • doc/: The documents directory (only japanese, english version will be provided from ver.1.0)
    • index.html : Top page for documents
    • library/: Directory for the document of the librariy
    • software/: Directory for the document of the sample program
  • configure: Configuration script to build
  • src/: The source directory for the libraries
  • test/: The test directory for the libraries


The simplest procedure is as follows:

  • Type $ ./configure --prefix=install_dir; make; make install where install_dir should be replaced with the full path of the directory where the library will be stored.
  • The following objects are generated in the directory specified by install_dir.
    • In install_dir/lib/: Static and shared libraries.
    • In install_dir/include/: Header file for C/C++.
    • install_dir/bin/Shiftk.out: Sample program

For more details, please see the manual.

Test of the software

  • Change the directory to app/sample/denovo/ or app/sample/from_file/.
  • Type the command $ install_dir/bin/ShiftK.out namelist.def.
  • When the software works well, the files such as dynamicalG.dat will be generated.
  • The details of the file format of namelist.def is written in the manual.

Usage of libraries

How to call each routines in the program

For fortran/C/C++

See the manual.

How to link the libraries

$ gfortran myprog.f90 -L install_dir/lib -lkomega -lblas -I install_dir/include
$ gcc myprog.c -L install_dir/lib -lkomega -lblas -I install_dir/include


Add the install_dir/lib directry to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to execute the file with dynamic link.

Test for libraries(Optional)

  • Move to the test/ directory.
  • Type the command $ ./solve_cc.x <
  • The program is normally finished when Residual vector becomes sufficiently small.
  • You can check other programs (solve_rc.x, solve_cr.x, solve_rr.x) in a similar way. For solve_cr.x and solve_rr.x, please use` as an input file.
  • The parameters in can modify the file name freely) are as follows
    • ndim: The dimeinsion of the psuedo Hamiltonian
    • nl: This parameter is used to test the projection. The vectors are calculated from the target vector up to nl(<=ndim)th vector.
    • nz: The number of the frequences to calculate.
    • itermax: The maximum number of iterations.
    • threshold: The threshold to judge the convergence.
    • rnd_seed: The seed of random number to generate pseudo Hamiltonian.
    • Write the value of each frequencies line by line after this namelist.