Deployed link: https://ishangupta-1510.github.io/swipe_project/
Installation and Setup Instructions
- Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/ishangupta-1510/swipe_project
- Navigate to the project directory: cd swipe_project
- Install the dependencies: npm install
- Start the application: npm start
List of Libraries and Tools Used
- React
- jsPDF
- useState
- useEfferct
- useRef
Additional Notes and Assumptions
• This project is an invoice generator that allows users to input sender and recipient information, invoice details, line items and signature (optional).
• The generated invoice is downloaded in PDF format.
• The Signature component is used to capture the signature of the user where the user can upload as well as make signature on the drawing board in the app.
• The invoice is generated using the Pdfgenerator function which creates a new instance of the jsPDF library.
• Line items are displayed in a table format with columns for description, quantity, unit price, and amount.
• If the content goes beyond the page, a new page is automatically added.
• This project assumes that all input fields are required and that the user enters valid information.