Inspired by Mint and Cryptocurrency. SugarCoin is a gamified Flask web application with user authenticated API that tracks and budgets sugar consumption. Using D3 visualization, this app will pinpoint any sweet-tooth dependency factors. And since added sugar directly affects weight and glucose levels, the app will monitor these data points using Charts.js. Lastly, a text reminder is integrated through Twilio API called - SugarWallet - which reports the user's current balance.
Deployed on AWS Lightsail -
- a daily allowance count
- a healthy threshold number based on gender and backed by science
- an intake-percentage chart
- an intake form along with a summary report of each sweet food consumption and cost
- SQLAlchemy
- PostgreSQL
- Python Flask
- Jinja
- Charts.js
- D3.js
- React.js
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Git
- GitHub
- Twilio
- weight over time chart
- glucose over time chart
- machine learning analysis of user mood and behaviors
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt