🚀 UI tests Stellar Burgers 🚀
As part of the training, I tested UI of the Stellar Burgers training service using the JUnit 4, Selenium and Allure . The project used Java 11 and used the Maven build system and was tested in Google Chrome and Yandex.Browser.
📝 Written test scenarios 📝
- registration(successful registration and an error for an incorrect password);
- logIn( different ways);
- switch to different sections and screens;
- logOut.
📝 It was completed 📝
- described the necessary locators to automate test scenarios;
- described the necessary locators using Page Object;
- created a separate class with Page Object for each page;
🔖 Instructions how to run 🔖
- Clone this repo and clone your version of the report.
- Run AllTest.java
- Generate a report via command allure serve target/surefire-reports/