Netbox-PyIRR retrivies BGP Prefixes based on IRR objects using BGPq4, then it creates IPv4 and IPv6 prefix-lists in Netbox.
The server running this script must have BGPq4 package installed.
Debian example:
apt-get install bgpq4
- Clone git repository
- Adjust NETBOX_URL and NETBOX_TOKEN variables in .env file
- Install required packages (virtualenv recommended)
pip install -r local-requirements.txt
The command takes as arguments ASNs or AS-SETs.
> python3 AS-DNS-BR AS26162
2024-06-06 22:09:20,020 root INFO Prefix-list AS-DNS-BR_IPv4 created!
2024-06-06 22:09:20,105 root INFO Prefix-list AS-DNS-BR_IPv6 created!
2024-06-06 22:09:22,358 root INFO All prefix-list rules were updated!
2024-06-06 22:10:39,728 root INFO Prefix-list AS26162_IPv4 created!
2024-06-06 22:10:39,809 root INFO Prefix-list AS26162_IPv6 created!
2024-06-06 22:10:39,897 root INFO All prefix-list rules were updated!