A JavaScript sensor web client with graphs and analytics powered by Shiny. sensorweby
is an R extension package building on Shiny and the 52°North JavaScript SOS client.
The sensorweby package and the required package sensorweb4R
are not on CRAN yet, so please download and install the package manually. The first option is using the package devtools
, which also works well for your own fork or development versions by other contributors.
Alternatively, you can download the source code and install the package from source. For this to work must have both git and R (see documentation here for Windows) on your path. Then run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/52North/sensorweby
R CMD INSTALL sensorweby
A sensorweby
app is very similar to a standard shiny
app. So refer to their extensive documentation. This package adds new UI builder functions to generate the JavaScript SensorWebClient UI and a analysis page therein (see ?swcPage
, ?swcLeftPanel
, ?swcRightPanel
and ?swcFullPanel
It also adds new inputs to obtain the session state, namely the currently selected time interval and timeseries of the JavaScript client (see ?swcTimeseriesInput
, ?swcIntervalInput
, ?swcTimeBeginInput
and ?swcTimeEndInput
Using these functions you easily can enhance the JavaScript client using the analytical power of R.
This ui.R
creates the complete client and adds a Analytics page. This page contains a single plotOutput
and two sensorweby
caption = c(en = "Time Plot"),
title = "Sensorweby",
swcFullPanel(plotOutput("plot", width="100%", height="100%"))
The accompanying server.R
takes the two reactive
inputs and creates the plot output using sensorweb4R
to request and openair
to plot the data:
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
output$plot <- renderPlot({
need(length(input$series) > 0, 'No Timeseries selected'),
need(input$time, "No timespan selected")
data <- getData(input$series, timespan = input$time)
times <- unique(sort(do.call(c, lapply(data, time))))
values <- lapply(data, function(x) value(x)[match(times, time(x))])
names(values) <- id(input$series)
values$date <- times
df <- as.data.frame(values)
validate(need(dim(df)[1] > 0, "No data available"))
timePlot(df, pollutant = id(input$series),
name.pol = label(input$series),
plot.type = "h", smooth = TRUE,
ci = TRUE, ylab=c())
To close the client interrupt R, usually by hitting Esc or Ctrl + C.
For more information about running Shiny apps on the server see the Shiny documentation.
The package provides examples and you can build the function reference. The package does not provide demos or a Vignette (yet).
The package ships with various example applications. To run an example, install and load the package (see above), then execute one of the following calls to run the respective example. There might be more examples as subdirectories in inst/examples
, just give them a try by running sensorweby::runExample("<name of the subdirectory>")
A simple example of a plot generated by R. This example does not integrate with the map and chart view in any way. To view the plot click on the "Analysis" button in the top right menu. Then you can select one of the available pollutants in a drop down menu on the righ hand side.
Example for a wind rose pollution plot powered by openair
. Select an station which provides wind data on the map, then switch to the analysis page to see a wind rose/pollution rose.
Plot the currently select time series with an advanced plotting function from the package openair
). Select any phenomenon and time series from the map and specify the time span of interest. Then click on the "Analysis" button to see the same data plotted by R
When installed from source or GitHub, run the command Rd2pdf on the regular command line from the parent directory of the package. This will create the reference manual, which describes all functions in the package:
R CMD Rd2pdf sensorweby
The JavaScript client can be configured by placing a www/settings.json
file inside the app directory. For configuration options refer to the documentation of the client.
To change the logging threshold prepend this to your server.R
To redirect the logging output to a file prepend this to your server.R
adds a new reactive input that contains the currently selected start time (as a POSIXct
) of the JavaScript SensorWebClient. Returns a HTML input
Parameter | Description |
id |
the id of the input |
adds a new reactive input that contains the currently
selected end time (as a POSIXct
) of the JavaScript SensorWebClient.
Returns a HTML input
Parameter | Description |
id |
the id of the input |
adds a new reactive input that contains the currently
selected timespan (as a lubridate::interval
) of the JavaScript SensorWebClient. Returns a HTML input
Parameter | Description |
id |
the id of the input |
adds a new reactive input that contains the currently selected time series of the JavaScript SensorWebClient (as a sensorweb4R::Timeseries
. Returns a HTML input
Parameter | Description |
id |
the id of the input |
adds a new I18N value to the JavaScript SensorWebClient. Returns a HTML script
tag setting the value.
Parameter | Description |
lang |
the language identifier |
key |
the message key |
value |
the message value |
swcI18N('eng', 'button_label', 'OK')
creates the left panel of the analysis view of the JavaScript SensorWebClient. Returns a HTML div
tag for the left panel.
Parameter | Description |
... |
inherited from shiny::tags$div |
plotOutput("output", width="100%", height="100%")
creates the right panel of the analysis view of the JavaScript SensorWebClient. Returns a HTML div
tag for the right panel.
Parameter | Description |
header |
the header of the right panel |
... |
inherited from shiny::tags$div |
choices = c("NOX", "NO2", "O3", "PM10", "SO2", "CO", "PM25"),
selected = "NOX"
creates a panel spanning the complete analysis view of the JavaScript SensorWebClient. Returns a HTML div
tag for the panel.
Parameter | Description |
... |
inherited from shiny::tags$div |
plotOutput("output", width="100%", height="100%")
creates a new page containing the JavaScript SensorWebClient. Returns a HTML html
tag containing the client.
Parameter | Description |
title |
the title of the page |
author |
the HTML meta tag author |
description |
the HTML meta tag description |
debug |
indicates if the client should be run in debug mode |
... |
inherited from shiny::tags$div |
# do your developments...
# install the package or build & reload in RStudio
devtools::install() # when workdir is directory /sensorweby
# load the package
# test...
To install the latest tag of the 52°North JavaScript Sensor Web Client just run:
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15347233/ssl-certificate-failed-for-twitter-in-r
# Set SSL certs globally
#options(RCurlOptions = list(cainfo = system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", package = "RCurl")))
To install your own fork:
installSensorWebClient(owner = 'myusername', version = 'mybranch')
Both commands require the packages RCurl
and github
to be installed. Also, Maven has to be found in your PATH
Please direct support questions to the 52°North Sensor Web Community mailing list/forum: http://sensorweb.forum.52north.org/ (and read the guidelines beforehand).
Add an issue/comment on the GitHub repository if you found a bug or want to collaborate on new features.
This R extension package is licensed under Apache License 2.
Documentation (namely the vignettes) are published under CC BY 4.0.