SteVe-Docker is a mechanism of distributing the SteVe EVCMS via Docker and Docker Compose, with ancillary services, as follows:
The following ports on the host system are mapped to a port in a container in the Docker engine:
- 80: nginx
- 2200-2300: Node-RED
- 1880: Node-RED
The following ports are being used by the respective containers:
- 80: nginx reverse proxy
- 80: nginx Irasus OCPP 1.6 JSON Client Simulator
- 2200-2300: Node-RED
- 1880: Node-RED
- 3306: MariaDB
- 8180: SteVe
Grant permissions to the Node-RED container to access the volumes for persistent data storage
chown -R $USER:$USER node-red/ find node-red/ -type f -exec chmod 666 {} \; find node-red/ -type d -exec chmod 777 {} \;
Deploy SteVe and ancillaries
docker-compose up
Login to SteVe via http://steve.localhost/ using the credentials
. Create a charger "CHARGER" and a tag "TAG". Enable webhook notifications in "SETTINGS" for all events, and specify the webhook targethttp://node-red:1880/
. -
Open the simulator via http://simulator.localhost/ and validate the Central Station URL
. Click on "Connect to the EVCMS". -
Access SteVe's REST API via SteVe's Swagger webpage at http://steve.localhost/swagger-ui.html
Access SteVe's Webhooks via Node-RED at http://localhost:1880/