Robot randomization:
init_dof_pos = [1.157, -1.066, -0.155, -2.239, -1.841, 1.003, 0.469, 0.035, 0.035]
dof_pos = init_dof_pos + uniform(-0.125, 0.125)
Proprioceptive observations:
index | type | description |
0:7 | dof pos | arm |
7:9 | dof pos | fingers |
9:16 | dof vel | arm |
16:18 | dof vel | fingers |
Image observations:
Egocentric 224x224x3
RGB image (examples shown above).
Action space:
index | type | description |
0:7 | delta dof pos | arm |
7:9 | delta dof pos | fingers |
Robot randomization:
init_dof_pos = [
0.0, -0.4, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
dof_pos = init_dof_pos + uniform(-0.125, 0.125)
Proprioceptive observations:
index | type | description |
0:7 | dof pos | arm |
7:11 | dof pos | index finger |
11:15 | dof pos | middle finger |
15:19 | dof pos | ring finger |
19:23 | dof pos | thumb |
23:30 | dof vel | arm |
30:34 | dof vel | index finger |
34:38 | dof vel | middle finger |
38:42 | dof vel | ring finger |
42:46 | dof vel | thumb |
Image observations:
Egocentric 224x224x3
RGB image (examples shown above).
Action space:
index | type | description |
0:7 | delta dof pos | arm |
7:11 | delta dof pos | index finger |
11:15 | delta dof pos | middle finger |
15:19 | delta dof pos | ring finger |
19:23 | delta dof pos | thumb |
Reach the goal (green sphere) with the robot hand.
Goal randomization:
init_goal_pos = [0.55, 0.0, 0.7]
goal_pos[0] = init_goal_pos[0] + uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
goal_pos[1] = init_goal_pos[1] + uniform(-0.3, 0.3)
goal_pos[2] = init_goal_pos[2] + uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
Oracle observations:
index | type | description |
0:3 | xyz | hand pos |
3:6 | xyz | goal pos |
6:9 | xyz | hand to goal |
Reward function:
reward = 0.08 * goal_dist \
+ 0.4 * near_goal_bonus \
- 0.01 * action_penalty
10 consecutive timesteps with hand at the goal.
Open the top drawer of the cabinet.
Cabinet randomization:
init_cabinet_pos = [0.05, 0.0, 0.45]
cabinet_pos[0] = init_cabinet_pos[0] + uniform(-0.075, 0.075)
cabinet_pos[1] = init_cabinet_pos[1] + uniform(-0.075, 0.075)
cabinet_pos[2] = init_cabinet_pos[2] + uniform(-0.05, 0.05)
Oracle observations:
index | type | description |
0:3 | xyz | lfinger pos |
3:6 | xyz | rfinger pos |
6:9 | xyz | handle pos |
9:12 | xyz | lfinger to handle |
12:15 | xyz | rfinger to handle |
15:16 | d | handle to open |
Reward function:
reward = 0.06 * lfinger_handle_dist \
+ 0.06 * rfinger_handle_dist \
+ 1.0 * near_handle_bonus \
+ 2.0 * drawer_open_bonus \
+ 6.0 * open_dist \
+ 3.0 * grasp_pose_bonus \
+ 2.0 * fully_open_bonus \
- 0.01 * action_penalty
10 consecutive timesteps with fully open drawer and gripper at handle.
Pick up the blue cube and lift it above the table.
Object randomization:
init_object_pos = [0.5, 0.0, 0.4225]
object_pos[0] = init_object_pos[0] + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
object_pos[1] = init_object_pos[1] + uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
Oracle observations:
index | type | description |
0:3 | xyz | lfinger pos |
3:6 | xyz | rfinger pos |
6:9 | xyz | object pos |
9:12 | xyz | lfinger to object |
12:15 | xyz | rfinger to object |
15:16 | d | object to height |
Reward function:
reward = 0.08 * lfinger_object_dist \
+ 0.08 * rfinger_object_dist \
+ 4.0 * lift_bonus \
+ 1.28 * height_dist \
+ 4.0 * height_bonus \
- 0.01 * action_penalty
10 consecutive timesteps with object at goal height.
Pick up the blue cube and move it to the green sphere.
Object randomization:
init_object_pos = [0.5, 0.0, 0.4225]
object_pos[0] = init_object_pos[0] + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
object_pos[1] = init_object_pos[1] + uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
Goal randomization:
init_goal_pos = [0.5, 0.0, 0.7]
goal_pos[0] = init_goal_pos[0] + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
goal_pos[1] = init_goal_pos[1] + uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
goal_pos[2] = init_goal_pos[2] + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
Oracle observations:
index | type | description |
0:3 | xyz | lfinger pos |
3:6 | xyz | rfinger pos |
6:9 | xyz | object pos |
9:12 | xyz | goal pos |
12:15 | xyz | lfinger to object |
15:18 | xyz | rfinger to object |
18:21 | xyz | object to goal |
Reward function:
reward = 0.08 * lfinger_object_dist \
+ 0.08 * rfinger_object_dist \
+ 4.0 * lift_bonus \
+ 1.28 * object_goal_dist \
+ 4.0 * object_goal_bonus \
- 0.01 * action_penalty
10 consecutive timesteps with object at goal location.
Reach the goal (green sphere) with the index finger.
Goal randomization:
init_goal_pos = [0.45, 0.0, 0.65]
goal_pos[0] = init_goal_pos[0] + uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
goal_pos[1] = init_goal_pos[1] + uniform(-0.3, 0.3)
goal_pos[2] = init_goal_pos[2] + uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
Oracle observations:
index | type | description |
0:3 | xyz | index pos |
3:6 | xyz | goal pos |
6:9 | xyz | index to goal |
Reward function:
reward = 0.08 * goal_dist \
+ 0.4 * near_goal_bonus \
- 0.01 * action_penalty
10 consecutive timesteps with the index finger at the goal.
Open the top drawer of the cabinet.
Cabinet randomization:
init_cabinet_pos = [0.05, 0.0, 0.45]
cabinet_pos[0] = init_cabinet_pos[0] + uniform(-0.075, 0.075)
cabinet_pos[1] = init_cabinet_pos[1] + uniform(-0.075, 0.075)
cabinet_pos[2] = init_cabinet_pos[2] + uniform(-0.05, 0.05)
Oracle observations:
index | type | description |
0:3 | xyz | palm pos |
3:6 | xyz | index pos |
6:9 | xyz | middle pos |
9:12 | xyz | ring pos |
12:15 | xyz | thumb pos |
15:18 | xyz | handle pos |
18:21 | xyz | index to handle |
21:24 | xyz | middle to handle |
24:27 | xyz | ring to handle |
27:30 | xyz | thumb to handle |
30:31 | d | handle to open |
Reward function:
reward = 0.04 * index_handle_dist \
+ 0.04 * middle_handle_dist \
+ 0.04 * ring_handle_dist \
+ 0.08 * thumb_handle_dist \
+ 2.0 * drawer_open_bonus \
+ 6.0 * open_dist \
+ 2.0 * fully_open_bonus \
- 0.01 * action_penalty
10 consecutive timesteps with fully open drawer and hand at handle.
Pick up the blue cube and lift it above the table.
Object randomization:
init_object_pos = [0.5, 0.0, 0.43]
object_pos[0] = init_object_pos[0] + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
object_pos[1] = init_object_pos[1] + uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
Oracle observations:
index | type | description |
0:3 | xyz | palm pos |
3:6 | xyz | index pos |
6:9 | xyz | middle pos |
9:12 | xyz | ring pos |
12:15 | xyz | thumb pos |
15:18 | xyz | object pos |
18:21 | xyz | index to object |
21:24 | xyz | middle to object |
24:27 | xyz | ring to object |
27:30 | xyz | thumb to object |
30:31 | d | object to height |
Reward function:
reward = 0.04 * index_object_dist \
+ 0.04 * middle_object_dist \
+ 0.04 * ring_object_dist \
+ 0.08 * thumb_object_dist \
+ 4.0 * lift_bonus \
+ 1.28 * height_dist \
+ 4.0 * height_bonus \
- 0.01 * action_penalty
10 consecutive timesteps with object at goal height.
Pick up the blue cube and move it to the green sphere.
Object randomization:
init_object_pos = [0.5, 0.0, 0.43]
object_pos[0] = init_object_pos[0] + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
object_pos[1] = init_object_pos[1] + uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
Goal randomization:
init_goal_pos = [0.5, 0.0, 0.7]
goal_pos[0] = init_goal_pos[0] + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
goal_pos[1] = init_goal_pos[1] + uniform(-0.2, 0.2)
goal_pos[2] = init_goal_pos[2] + uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
Oracle observations:
index | type | description |
0:3 | xyz | palm pos |
3:6 | xyz | index pos |
6:9 | xyz | middle pos |
9:12 | xyz | ring pos |
12:15 | xyz | thumb pos |
15:18 | xyz | object pos |
18:21 | xyz | goal pos |
21:24 | xyz | index to object |
24:27 | xyz | middle to object |
27:30 | xyz | ring to object |
30:33 | xyz | thumb to object |
33:36 | xyz | object to goal |
Reward function:
reward = 0.04 * index_object_dist \
+ 0.04 * middle_object_dist \
+ 0.04 * ring_object_dist \
+ 0.08 * thumb_object_dist \
+ 4.0 * lift_bonus \
+ 1.28 * object_goal_dist \
+ 4.0 * object_goal_bonus \
- 0.01 * action_penalty
10 consecutive timesteps with object at goal location.