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Simple CTI

SimpleCTI is an example class that provides a heavily sanitised interface to the IPCortex API which abstracts away everything that isn't needed for basic inbound call processing or click to dial.

It allows a web developer to make one Javascript call which will initialise the API and register callbacks that will fire whenever a significant call event (e.g. call ringing, answered or hung-up) occurs on the phone of the authenticated user. It also provides Javascript calls to dial, answer or hang-up calls on behalf of the user, and works like this...

Step 1

Include both the SimpleCTI.js class and the normal IPCortex wrapper:

    <script src="simpleCTI.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!-- *** Substitute your appliance domain name below *** -->
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Step 2

Create an instance by calling the Constructor with a PBX username, password, and set of callback functions that you want to have invoked when something happens:

    // *** Substitute a real username and password below ***
    var CTI = new SimpleCTI("user1", "password", statusCB, eventCB, eventCB, eventCB);

    // Or use this form instead for pop-out user auth on 6.1+ software
    // var CTI = new SimpleCTI([statusCB, eventCB, eventCB, eventCB]);

    // Status callback - just insert anything we get into the <h2> in the body
    function statusCB(status, code, reason){
        var status = document.getElementById('status');
        status.innerHTML=reason+" ("+code+")";


    // Call event callback - we use the same callback for all three event types
    //  and key off the first state parameter to work out what to do.
    function eventCB(state, number, party, call, line){
        var callstatus = document.getElementById('callstatus');
        var statuspanel = document.getElementById('statuspanel');
        console.log('got '+state+' event to number '+number+' we are the '+party);
        switch (state){
        case 'ring':
                description = 'Ringing: ';
        case 'up':
                description = 'Answered: ';
        case 'dead':
                description = 'Nothing Doing, last call was: ';
                description += number+' calling us';
                description += 'calling '+number;
        if(state != 'dead')
                description += ' <a href="#" onClick="CTI.hangup(\'''\')">hangup</a>';
        if(state == 'ring' && party == 'callee')
                description += ' <a href="#" onClick="CTI.answer(\'''\')">answer</a>';
        statuspanel.src = ''+number;

Step 3

Wait for status and call event updates via your callbacks!

    <title>Simple CTI Test page</title>
        <h1>Simple CTI Test</h1>
        <p>This page displays the status and a google lookup of the phone number for any inbound or outbound call</p>

        <h2 id="status">API not initialised</h1>

        <input id="thenumber" type="text"></input>
        <button onClick="CTI.dial(document.getElementById('thenumber').value);">Dial me</button>

        <h1 id="callstatus">Nothing doing</h1>
        <iframe id="statuspanel" height="400" width="100%"></iframe>

Class Documentation


Really simple example of a CTI class that allows client side Javascript to interact with a PBX

Kind: global class

new SimpleCTI(callbacks)

Creates a new SimpleCTI class using pop-out javascript auth. Plants callbacks that will be used to signal API startup completion and called when a call status changes on a line.

Param Type Description
callbacks Array Array of functions (status, ring, up, dead as below), uses new form of pop-out auth (requires PBX firmware v6.1+)

new SimpleCTI(username, password, statusCB, [ringCB], [upCB], [deadCB])

Old usage (PBX v6.0 and below)

Param Type Description
username String A valid PBX username for a user who owns a phone
password String Users password
statusCB statusCallback to call on error or successful API initialisation - old style usage only, not used if first param is an array of functions
[ringCB] eventCallback to call when a line on users phone rings - old style usage only, not used if first param is an array of functions
[upCB] eventCallback to call when a line on users phone is answered - old style usage only, not used if first param is an array of functions
[deadCB] eventCallback to call when a line on users phone is hung up - old style usage only, not used if first param is an array of functions

SimpleCTI.dial(number, [line])

Dial a number, optionally specify line

Kind: static method of SimpleCTI

Param Type Default Description
number number to dial
[line] number 0 line index (zero based)


Hangup a call

Kind: static method of SimpleCTI

Param Type Description
id String ID of call to hangup


Answer a call

Kind: static method of SimpleCTI

Param Type Description
id String ID of call to answer


Status (initialisation) event callback

Kind: inner property of SimpleCTI

Param Type Description
ok Boolean true or false: true: API successfully started false: error condition
code number numeric API error code (status == false only)
text String textual explanation suitable for user display


Call event callback

Kind: inner property of SimpleCTI

Param Type Description
state String one of 'ring', 'up', 'dead' - new state of call
number String The Caller ID of the other party. Caution: may not be numeric in all cases
party String 'caller' or 'callee' - defines which role we are
call Object Raw underlying call object
line Object Raw underlying line object