This is the repo that stores various functions/components, used across instill-ai open-source projects and cloud-version apps.
- 🏖️ cortext/ui: The main design-system that we are using, we store all the basic/low-level components here. You can read our philosophy toward a design system here
- 🗼 cortext/view: We store all the reusable high-level components here.
- 🧰 cortext/toolkit: We store universal types and functions here
- query: Instill API react-query wrapper
- sdk: Instill API Axios wrapper and typescript type related to the requests/responses of the API
- hook: React hooks
- type: General Typescript types that we are using
If you encounter some error like this, and the target file may not need to be covered by tsconfig. Please put the file into .eslintignore
0:0 error Parsing error: ESLint was configured to run on `<tsconfigRootDir>/vitest.config.ts` using `parserOptions.project`: /users/summerbud/documents/instill-ai/design-system/packages/design-tokens/tsconfig.json
However, that TSConfig does not include this file. Either: