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Address review remarks, add retry for PortSpec test
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carbolymer committed Apr 29, 2024
1 parent f0f6199 commit fe3d4ee
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Showing 5 changed files with 175 additions and 71 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Hedgehog/Extras/Test/Concurrent.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ asyncRegister_ :: HasCallStack
=> MonadCatch m
=> IO a -- ^ Action to run in background
-> m ()
asyncRegister_ act = void . H.evalM $ allocate (async act) cleanUp
asyncRegister_ act = GHC.withFrozenCallStack $ void . H.evalM $ allocate (async act) cleanUp
cleanUp :: Async a -> IO ()
cleanUp a = cancel a >> void (link a)
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50 changes: 39 additions & 11 deletions src/Hedgehog/Extras/Test/TestWatchdog.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,21 +7,40 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

-- | This module provides a test watchdog - an utility monitoring test cases and killing them if they don't
-- finish in time. To wrap a test case in a watchdog just use
-- finish in time. 'Watchdog' thread runs in the background, and after specified timeout, it throws
-- 'WatchdogException' to the target thread. A user is able to 'kickWatchdog', which delays the killing and
-- 'poisonWatchdog' which stops the watchdog.
-- To wrap a test case in a watchdog just use
-- @
-- runWithWatchdog watchdogConfig $ \watchdog -> do
-- runWithWatchdog watchdogConfig $ \\watchdog -> do
-- -- body of your test case
-- @
module Hedgehog.Extras.Test.TestWatchdog
( runWithWatchdog_
-- * Wrap in watchdog
, runWithWatchdog
, runWithDefaultWatchdog_
, runWithDefaultWatchdog
, Watchdog
, WatchdogConfig(..)

-- * Watchdog control
, kickWatchdog
, poisonWatchdog

-- * Types
, Watchdog
, WatchdogConfig(..)
, WatchdogException(..)

-- * Low level API
-- | There is also a lower-level API available, giving the ability to provide target thread ID, which watchdog
-- will try to kill.

, makeWatchdog
, runWatchdog
) where

import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId, threadDelay, throwTo)
Expand All @@ -44,31 +63,40 @@ newtype WatchdogConfig = WatchdogConfig
{ watchdogTimeout :: Int -- ^ Timeout in seconds after which watchdog will kill the test case

-- | Default watchdog config with 10 minutes timeout.
-- | Default watchdog configuration with 10 minutes timeout.
defaultWatchdogConfig :: WatchdogConfig
defaultWatchdogConfig = WatchdogConfig
{ watchdogTimeout = 600

-- | A watchdog
-- | A watchdog instance. See the module header for more detailed description.
data Watchdog = Watchdog
{ watchdogConfig :: !WatchdogConfig
, watchedThreadId :: !ThreadId -- ^ monitored thread id
, startTime :: !UTCTime -- ^ watchdog creation time
, kickChan :: TChan WatchdogCommand -- ^ a queue of watchdog commands

-- | Create a new watchdog
instance Show Watchdog where
show Watchdog{watchdogConfig=WatchdogConfig{watchdogTimeout}, startTime, watchedThreadId} = mconcat
[ "Watchdog with timeout ", show watchdogTimeout
, ", started at ", show startTime
, ", watching thread ID ", show watchedThreadId

-- | Create manually a new watchdog, providing the target thread ID. After all watchdog timeouts expire,
-- the target thread will get 'WatchdogException' thrown to it asynchronously (using 'throwTo').
makeWatchdog :: MonadBase IO m
=> WatchdogConfig
-> ThreadId -- ^ thread id which will get killed after timeouts expire
-> ThreadId -- ^ thread id which will get killed after all kicks expire
-> m Watchdog
makeWatchdog config watchedThreadId' = liftBase $ do
watchdog <- Watchdog config watchedThreadId' <$> getCurrentTime <*> newTChanIO
kickWatchdog watchdog
pure watchdog

-- | Run watchdog in a loop
-- | Run watchdog in a loop in the current thread. Usually this function should be used with 'H.withAsync'
-- to run it in the background.
runWatchdog :: MonadBase IO m
=> Watchdog
-> m ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +143,7 @@ runWithWatchdog config testCase = do
H.withAsync (runWatchdog watchdog) $
\_ -> testCase watchdog

-- | Execuate a test case with a watchdog.
-- | Execute a test case with a watchdog.
runWithWatchdog_ :: HasCallStack
=> MonadBaseControl IO m
=> WatchdogConfig -- ^ configuration
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119 changes: 93 additions & 26 deletions src/Hedgehog/Extras/Test/Tripwire.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,61 +1,128 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

-- | This modules provides a tripwire abstraction. You can use tripwire as a detection mechanism if the code
-- path was executed. Trip a tripwire with 'trip' in the place where you'd like to detect if it was
-- reached. The tripwire can then be checked in the other place in the code using for example 'isTripped' or
-- 'assertNotTripped'.
module Hedgehog.Extras.Test.Tripwire
( Tripwire
-- * Create a tripwire
, makeTripwire
, triggerTripwire
, makeTripwireWithLabel
-- * Tripwire operations
, trip
, trip_
, isTripped
, getTripSite
, resetTripwire
, checkTripwire
, isTriggered
-- * Assertions
, assertNotTripped
, assertTripped
) where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import GHC.Stack

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Hedgehog (MonadTest)
import qualified Hedgehog.Extras.Test.Base as H
import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Property as H
import Prelude
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

-- | Counter used to allocate consecutive IDs to tripwires
tripwireCounter :: IORef Int
tripwireCounter = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0
{-# NOINLINE tripwireCounter #-}

-- | Represents a tripwire which can be triggered only once
newtype Tripwire = Tripwire (MVar CallStack)
-- | Represents a tripwire which can be tripped only once. It can be used to detect if a particular code path
-- was reached.
data Tripwire = Tripwire
{ tripwireId :: !String -- ^ a label for identifying the tripwire
, tripSite :: MVar CallStack -- ^ call stack of the trip site

instance Show Tripwire where
show Tripwire{tripwireId} = "Tripwire " <> tripwireId

-- | Creates a new tripwire
makeTripwire :: MonadIO m => m Tripwire
makeTripwire = Tripwire <$> liftIO newEmptyMVar
makeTripwire = liftIO $ do
id' <- atomicModifyIORef' tripwireCounter (join (,) . (+1))
Tripwire (show id') <$> newEmptyMVar
-- | Creates a new tripwire with a label, which is visible when 'show'ed: @Tripwire mylabel@
makeTripwireWithLabel :: MonadIO m
=> String
-> m Tripwire
makeTripwireWithLabel label = liftIO $ do
Tripwire label <$> newEmptyMVar

-- | Triggers the tripwire and registers the place of the first trigger. Idempotent.
-- Does not do do anything besides just registering the place where this function is called.
triggerTripwire :: HasCallStack
=> MonadIO m
=> Tripwire
-> m ()
triggerTripwire (Tripwire mv) = withFrozenCallStack $
void . liftIO $ tryPutMVar mv callStack
-- Prints the information in the test log about tripping the tripwire.
trip :: HasCallStack
=> MonadIO m
=> MonadTest m
=> Tripwire
-> m ()
trip t@Tripwire{tripSite} = withFrozenCallStack $ do
H.note_ $ show t <> " has been tripped"
void . liftIO $ tryPutMVar tripSite callStack

-- | Triggers the tripwire and registers the place of the first trigger. Idempotent. A silent variant of
-- 'trip' which does not require 'MonadTest', but also does not log the information about tripping.
trip_ :: HasCallStack
=> MonadIO m
=> Tripwire
-> m ()
trip_ Tripwire{tripSite} = withFrozenCallStack $ do
void . liftIO $ tryPutMVar tripSite callStack

-- | Restore tripwire to initial non triggered state
resetTripwire :: MonadIO m
=> Tripwire
-> m ()
resetTripwire (Tripwire mv) = liftIO $ void $ tryTakeMVar mv
resetTripwire Tripwire{tripSite} = liftIO $ void $ tryTakeMVar tripSite

-- | Check if the tripwire is triggered. Return the first trigger location.
isTriggered :: MonadIO m
-- | Return the call stack, where the tripwire was tripped - if it was tripped.
getTripSite :: MonadIO m
=> Tripwire
-> m (Maybe CallStack)
isTriggered (Tripwire mv) = liftIO $ tryReadMVar mv
getTripSite Tripwire{tripSite} = liftIO $ tryReadMVar tripSite

-- | Fails the test if the tripwire was triggered. Prints the callstack where the tripwire was triggered.
checkTripwire :: HasCallStack
-- | Check if the tripwire was tripped.
isTripped :: MonadIO m
=> Tripwire
-> m Bool
isTripped Tripwire{tripSite} = liftIO $ not <$> isEmptyMVar tripSite

-- | Fails the test if the tripwire was triggered. Prints the call stack where the tripwire was triggered.
assertNotTripped :: HasCallStack
=> MonadTest m
=> MonadIO m
=> Tripwire
-> m ()
assertNotTripped tripwire = withFrozenCallStack $ do
mTripSite <- getTripSite tripwire
forM_ mTripSite $ \cs -> do
H.note_ $ show tripwire <> " has been tripped at: " <> prettyCallStack cs

-- | Fails the test if the tripwire was not triggered yet.
assertTripped :: HasCallStack
=> MonadTest m
=> MonadIO m
=> Tripwire
-> m ()
checkTripwire = withFrozenCallStack $ do
isTriggered >=> void . mapM
(\cs -> do
H.note_ $ "Tripwire has been tripped at: " <> prettyCallStack cs
assertTripped tripwire = withFrozenCallStack $ do
mTripSite <- getTripSite tripwire
when (isNothing mTripSite) $ do
H.note_ $ show tripwire <> " was not tripped"

15 changes: 11 additions & 4 deletions test/Hedgehog/Extras/Stock/IO/Network/PortSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ import qualified Hedgehog.Extras as H
import qualified Hedgehog.Extras.Stock.IO.Network.Port as IO
import qualified Network.Socket as N
import Text.Show
import qualified Data.Time as D
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Applicative

hprop_randomPort :: Property
hprop_randomPort =
Expand All @@ -20,7 +23,11 @@ hprop_randomPort =

H.note_ $ "Allocated port: " <> show pn

-- Check that the port is available and can be bound to a socket.
sock <- H.evalIO $ N.socket N.AF_INET N.Stream N.defaultProtocol
H.evalIO $ N.bind sock $ N.SockAddrInet pn hostAddress
H.evalIO $ N.close sock
-- retry binding for 5 seconds - seems that sometimes OS still marks port as unavailable for a while
-- after 'randomPort' call
deadline <- D.addUTCTime 5 <$> liftIO D.getCurrentTime
H.byDeadlineM 0.2 deadline "try binding to allocated port" $ do
-- Check that the port is available and can be bound to a socket.
sock <- H.evalIO $ N.socket N.AF_INET N.Stream N.defaultProtocol
H.evalIO $ N.bind sock $ N.SockAddrInet pn hostAddress
H.evalIO $ N.close sock
60 changes: 31 additions & 29 deletions test/Hedgehog/Extras/Test/TestWatchdogSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Hedgehog.Extras.Test.TestWatchdogSpec where

import Control.Concurrent
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,20 +33,12 @@ hprop_check_watchdog_kills_hanged_thread = H.propertyOnce $ do
liftIO $ myThreadId >>= H.putMVar childTid
-- simulate thread hang
void $ H.threadDelay 3_000_000
H.triggerTripwire tripwire

_ <- case result of
Right () -> do
H.note_ "Expected failure instead of Right"
Left (H.Failure _ msg _) -> do
-- check we've failed because of watchdog
_header:exception:_ <- pure $ lines msg
H.assertWith exception $
isPrefixOf "WatchdogException: "
H.trip tripwire

assertWatchdogExceptionWasRaised result

-- make sure that we didn't trigger the tripwire
H.checkTripwire tripwire
H.assertNotTripped tripwire
childStatus <- liftIO $ H.readMVar childTid >>= threadStatus
childStatus === ThreadFinished

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,32 +66,25 @@ hprop_check_watchdog_kills_hanged_thread_with_its_children = H.propertyOnce $ do
H.asyncRegister_ $ do
liftIO $ myThreadId >>= H.putMVar grandChildTid1
threadDelay 3_000_000
H.triggerTripwire grandChildTripwire1
H.trip_ grandChildTripwire1

H.asyncRegister_ $ do
liftIO $ myThreadId >>= H.putMVar grandChildTid2
threadDelay 3_000_000
H.triggerTripwire grandChildTripwire2
H.trip_ grandChildTripwire2

void $ H.threadDelay 3_000_000
H.triggerTripwire childTripwire

_ <- case result of
Right () -> do
H.note_ "Expected failure instead of Right"
Left (H.Failure _ msg _) -> do
-- check we've failed because of watchdog
_header:exception:_ <- pure $ lines msg
H.assertWith exception $
isPrefixOf "WatchdogException: "
H.trip childTripwire

-- make sure that we didn't trigger the tripwire
H.assertNotTripped childTripwire
H.assertNotTripped grandChildTripwire1
H.assertNotTripped grandChildTripwire2

assertWatchdogExceptionWasRaised result

-- Give OS 5 seconds to do the process cleanup
deadline <- D.addUTCTime 5 <$> liftIO D.getCurrentTime
-- make sure that we didn't trigger the tripwire
H.checkTripwire childTripwire
H.checkTripwire grandChildTripwire1
H.checkTripwire grandChildTripwire2

H.byDeadlineM 0.2 deadline "childStatus" $ do
childStatus <- liftIO $ H.readMVar childTid >>= threadStatus
Expand All @@ -118,6 +104,22 @@ hprop_check_watchdog_kills_hanged_thread_with_its_children = H.propertyOnce $ do
tailPid <- liftIO $ H.readMVar procHandle >>= P.getPid
tailPid === Nothing

assertWatchdogExceptionWasRaised :: HasCallStack
=> H.MonadTest m
=> MonadFail m
=> Either H.Failure a
-> m ()
assertWatchdogExceptionWasRaised = withFrozenCallStack $ \case
Right _ -> do
H.note_ "Expected failure instead of Right"
Left (H.Failure _ msg _) -> do
-- check we've failed because of watchdog
_header:exception:_ <- pure $ lines msg
H.note_ $ "Received exception:"
H.assertWith exception $
isPrefixOf "WatchdogException: "

-- | Spawn TestT in an async. Waits for the async and logs the result as well as errors journal on failure
spawnTestT :: HasCallStack
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