Daedalus 6.0.0 update
Daedalus 6.0.0 is a mainnet release required to cross the upcoming Chang hard fork and operate in the Conway era. It is mandatory for all Daedalus users to upgrade to this version.
This version upgrades to node 9.1.0, Cardano wallet v2024-07-27, the dependent Ledger and Trezor hardware wallet libraries, and fixes the Daedalus auto-update feature to resolve the issue when running Daedalus on Linux with enabled AppArmor reported here.
Since this release replays the ledger state from scratch (0%), users may experience longer synchronization times.
Please read the release notes for more information.
Download Daedalus for Mainnet at daedaluswallet.io.
Download Daedalus for Preview and Pre-prod testnets at docs.cardano.org.
Installer integrity verification
PGP signatures
Installers are signed with IOHK's organisational PGP key with this fingerprint: 53D0 FA8D A2B8 D1FF 4975 AECB F99D 6C70 C2B3 FB43