- Introduction
- What's WASM, WASI, in/outside browser, WASM runtime?
- Prerequisites
- Demo 1 - WASM, WASI
- Demo 2 - Krustlet
- Notes
- References
This project is for understanding how to use WASM in different scenarios.
- Walk through different WASM compiling cases via a self-explanatory Makefile to know what WASM or WASI is
- Run nginx.wasm on wasmer using
to make necessary system calls supported in the final machine code, instead of using insufficient WASI API implementation - Have a demo flow to introduce how to use K8s and Krustlet (experimental) to manage WASI complaint WASM workload
- The API between WASM and browsers is Web APIs, but each browser can still have its specific APIs used by the vendor-locking wasm.
- The API between WASM and runtime is WASI API which is implemented in different runtime but wasi-libc and wasi-sdk provided by WebAssembly org.
- The API between WASM and browser is WASI API, but the middle adapter (WASM polyfill JS library) is required to transfer the WASI API to Web APIs.
- Runtime providers try to support WASI compliant + extra features for each specific needs.
For running the examples in this project, you need to install necessry prerequisites as below.
- Rust toolchains
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
- Emscripten SDK
make install-emsdk
- Rust wasm32 compile toolchain targets
rustup target install wasm32-wasi
rustup target install wasm32-unknown-unknown
rustup target install wasm32-unknown-emscripten
- wasmtime
- wasm-to-oci
- krustlet
- kind
- kubectl
- kustomize
curl -L https://aka.ms/InstallAzureCli | bash
Except using the package manager on the host, you can also download huber to install most dependencies excluding rust, azcli, and emsdk.
huber install wasmtime wasm-to-oci krustlet kind kubectl kustomize
β― make help
build-cpp-emscripten-js Build wasm32-unknown-emscripten hello world 'non-standalone' application vis emcc.
build-cpp-emscripten-wasm Build wasm32-unknown-emscripten hello world 'standalone' application vis emcc.
build-dev-container Build dev container image
build-rust-emscripten-helloworld Build wasm32-unknown-emscripten hello world application. Only wasm + JS output supported in Rust
build-rust-wasi-helloworld Build wasm32-wasi hello world application
build-rust-wasi-httpserver Build wasm32-wasi http server application. This will be failed because system call not supported
clean Clean
install-emsdk Install Emscripten SDK
run-nginx-emscripten Run nginx.wasm built by emscripten on wasmer runtime
Building the standalone WASM via emscripten in Rust compiler is unavailable, because for now its only supported for wasm + JS glue code only. However, actually emscripten can support different types
of output. When running emcc --help
, you will find the info as below.
"-o <target>"
The "target" file name extension defines the output type to be
* <name> **.js** : JavaScript (+ separate **<name>.wasm** file
if emitting WebAssembly). (default)
* <name> **.mjs** : ES6 JavaScript module (+ separate
**<name>.wasm** file if emitting WebAssembly).
* <name> **.html** : HTML + separate JavaScript file
(**<name>.js**; + separate **<name>.wasm** file if emitting
* <name> **.bc** : LLVM bitcode.
* <name> **.o** : WebAssembly object file (unless fastcomp or
-flto is used in which case it will be in LLVM bitcode
* <name> **.wasm** : WebAssembly without JavaScript support code
("standalone wasm"; this enables "STANDALONE_WASM").
By running the below command, you should be able to access http://localhost:8080
β― make run-nginx-emscripten
# https://syrusakbary.medium.com/running-nginx-with-webassembly-6353c02c08ac
docker run -p 8080:8080 -w /workspace/wasmer-nginx-example wasi-demo-dev:latest /root/.wasmer/bin/wasmer run nginx.wasm -- -p . -c nginx.conf
2021/02/03 15:39:36 [notice] 1#0: using the "select" event method
2021/02/03 15:39:36 [notice] 1#0: nginx/1.15.3
2021/02/03 15:39:36 [notice] 1#0: built by clang 6.0.1 (emscripten 1.38.11 : 1.38.11)
2021/02/03 15:39:36 [notice] 1#0: OS: Linux 5.3.18-lp152.60-default
make build-rust-wasi-helloworld
ls -al target/wasm32-wasi/debug/wasi-helloworld.wasm
wasmtime target/wasm32-wasi/debug/wasi-helloworld.wasm
./scripts/manage-acr.sh create_acr
az acr login --name dkoacr
linuxwasm-to-oci push target/wasm32-wasi/debug/wasi-helloworld.wasm dkoacr.azurecr.io/wasm-demo:v0.0.0
linuxwasm-to-oci pull dkoacr.azurecr.io/wasm-demo:v0.0.0 -o wasm-demo.wasm
wasmtime wasm-demo.wasm
kind create cluster
# Prepare bootstrap token
bash <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deislabs/krustlet/master/docs/howto/assets/bootstrap.sh)
ls ~/.krustlet/config/bootstrap.conf
# Run krustlet, create the CSR (<hostname>-tls)
NODE_IP=$(ip -o -4 addr show docker0 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d/ -f1)
KUBECONFIG=~/.krustlet/config/kubeconfig krustlet-wasi \
--node-ip=$NODE_IP \
--hostname=demo \
--node-name=demo \
--bootstrap-file ~/.krustlet/config/bootstrap.conf
# Approve signing the serving certification
kubectl certificate approve demo-tls
# Show registered nodes including krustlet node
kubectl get nodes
The same as above
The same as above
The same as above
./scripts/manage-acr.sh create_acr_access_secret
kubectl get secret
cd ./examples/krustlet
kustomize edit set image dkoacr.azurecr.io/wasm-demo:v0.0.0 dkoacr.azurecr.io/wasm-demo:v0.0.0
cd -
kustomize build ./examples/krustlet | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl logs -f wasm-demo
kustomize build ./examples/krustlet | kubectl delete -f -
./scripts/manage-acr.sh delete_acr_access_secret delete_acr
grep krustlet-wasi | xargs kill -9
rm -rf ~/.krustlet
kind delete cluster
Don't install the latest emsdk, because there is a LLVM compatible issue happening in between the recent versions of emscripten and Rust.
- https://webassembly.org/
- https://wasi.dev/
- https://wasmtime.dev/
- https://bytecodealliance.org/
- https://github.com/deislabs/krustlet/tree/master/docs
- https://emscripten.org/index.html
- https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/blob/main/docs/WASI-overview.md
- https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-libc
- https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-sdk
- https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime
- https://github.com/bytecodealliance/lucet
- https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime/tree/main/cranelift (wasm bytecode -> machine code)
- https://github.com/WebAssembly/binaryen (-> wasm bytecode)
- https://v8.dev/blog/emscripten-standalone-wasm
- https://wasmbyexample.dev/
- https://surma.dev/things/c-to-webassembly/
- https://github.com/denverdino/containerd-wasm
- https://wascc.dev/
- https://radu-matei.com/blog/towards-sockets-networking-wasi/
- https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/03/standardizing-wasi-a-webassembly-system-interface/