Fastecho is a Go library that provides an easily configurable, ready-to-use echo server. It is a wrapper on top of the echo framework and it adds extra functionalities that are often required when setting up web servers.
For specifics, check the detailed features below.
// load env vars
err := core.Envs.SetEnv()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to set environment variables: %s", err)
// set up a DB and pass it to handler as you like
db, err := fastecho.NewDB()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to connect to the database: %s", err)
config := fastecho.Config{
ExtraEnvs: core.Envs,
ValidationRegistrar: validator.RegisterValidations,
Routes: func(e *echo.Echo, r *router.Router) error {
return configureRoutes(e, r, db)
// Properties which would be shared across all the requests in the service via ServiceContext
ContextProps: map[string]interface{}{
"my_property": "",
Opts: fastecho.Opts{
Tracing: fastecho.TracingOpts{
Skip: !core.Envs[consts.OtelTracing].BooleanValue,
ServiceName: core.Envs[consts.OtelServiceName].Value,
HealthChecks: fastecho.HealthChecksOpts{
Skip: false,
DB: db,
// Starting service...
if err := fastecho.Run(&config); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Service stopped! \n %s", err)
We integrated
You can inject custom properties into the service context via props. This object is of type any
so you can pass anything into your context to make it accessible in your endpoints.
You could also access request level properties by making use of RequestProps
in ServiceContext.
func (h *Handler) GetData(ctx echo.Context) error {
sctx := context.GetServiceContext[any](ctx)
log := sctx.ZapLogger
// props contain service level properties which are shared across all requests
props := sctx.Props.(map[string]interface{})
// requestProps contain request level properties which can be set and accessed from within the handler or middleware
sctx.RequestProps["country"] = "NL"
The router is providing a couple of preset endpoints for swagger, monitoring and health checks but custom endpoints can also be injected. The router wrapper in the example above can be used to register additional endpoints.
func configureRoutes(e *echo.Echo, r *router.Router, db *gorm.DB) error {
myHandler := NewHandler(db)
v1 := e.Group("/v1")
myGroup := v1.Group("/example")
router.AddRoute(r, myGroup, "/data", myHandler, http.MethodGet)
return nil
Custom validation can be registered using the provided validator. You need to define a function in which you register custom validations and then add it to the config.
func RegisterValidations(validator *router.Validator) error {
validator.Vdt.RegisterStructValidation(daterange.ValidateBasicDateRange(), daterange.BasicDateRange{})
return nil
Custom middleware can be injected easily just like routes.
func configureRoutes(e *echo.Echo, r *router.Router, db *gorm.DB) error {
v1 := e.Group("/v1")
myGroup := v1.Group("/data")
return nil
Swagger is baked into the router wrapper. The title and path can be used via these environment variables:
The swagger documentation is configured on the root path suffixed with /swagger/
The health endpoints are configured on the root path suffixed with /health/live
and /health/ready
Environment variables are read by default from the environment or from a .env
file in the root of the directory.
The required ENV vars are:
- SwaggerUITitle
- ServiceName
Here's an example on how to define env vars and how to load them before starting fastecho:
// define variables
var (
Envs = env.Map{
consts.SwaggerUITitle: {
DefaultValue: "FFP Sales forecast connector API",
consts.OtelServiceName: {
DefaultValue: "ffp-sales-forecast-connector-v1",
consts.OtelTracing: {
DefaultValue: "false",
IsBoolean: true,
// The variables related to the DB are already defined in fastecho
// load them
err := core.Envs.SetEnv()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to set environment variables: %s", err)
Tracing is enabled only if the OTEL_TRACING
env var is set to true.
Fastecho has an optional postgres DB connection baked into it using gorm
. We are using goose
for migrations rather than gorm Automigrate. The migrations are expected to be under db/migrations
in the root of your folder.
Plugins are a set of handlers and their binded components(validators, middlewares, etc) which can be reused across multiple services using fastecho.
Fastecho is fully compatible with Echoprobe
Please read CONTRIBUTING for more details about making a contribution to this open source project and ensure that you follow our CODE_OF_CONDUCT.
If you have any other issues or questions regarding this project, feel free to contact one of the code owners/maintainers for a more in-depth discussion.
This open source project is licensed under the "Apache-2.0", read the LICENCE terms for more details.