Basic Elixir HTTPoison wrapper around the UPS street level validation API. This wrapper could easily be extended to include more of UPS's offered APIs listed here
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding ups
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:ups, "~> 0.2.0"}]
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
Add the following to your config.exs
config :ups,
access_key: {:system, "UPS_ACCESS_KEY"},
username: {:system, "UPS_USERNAME"},
password: {:system, "UPS_PASSWORD"}
iex> address = %{
line1: "11815 NE 113th Street",
line2: "Ste 104",
city: "Vancouver",
state: "Washington",
zip: "98662",
country: "US"
iex> UPS.validate_address(address)
{:ok, %{body: %{
success: true,
address: %{
city: "VANCOUVER",
country: "US",
line1: "11815 NE 113TH ST",
line2: "STE 104", state: "WA",
zip: "986621640"
message: "Address is valid.",
raw_body: %{
"XAVResponse" => %{
"Candidate" => %{
"AddressKeyFormat" => %{
"AddressLine" => ["11815 NE 113TH ST", "STE 104"],
"CountryCode" => "US", "PoliticalDivision1" => "WA",
"PoliticalDivision2" => "VANCOUVER", "PostcodeExtendedLow" => "1640",
"PostcodePrimaryLow" => "98662",
"Region" => "VANCOUVER WA 98662-1640"
"Response" => %{
"ResponseStatus" => %{
"Code" => "1",
"Description" => "Success"
"TransactionReference" => %{
"CustomerContext" => "Customer Context"
"ValidAddressIndicator" => ""