Turns a route path (string, string pattern or regular expression) into a regex and populates a vector with the route's parameters. Mana uses this library to match incoming request paths with the routes specified by the developer. This is done by the Router, and the developer has access to the parameters through the request. Path_to_regex is a port of the most essential functionality in the JavaScript library pillarjs/path-to-regexp.
Example service: Acorn Web Server Appliance.
Specifying a route in service.cpp:
Router router;
// GET /users/5, /users/101 and so on
router.on_get("/users/:id(\\d+)", [](auto req, auto res) {
auto id = req->params().get("id");
// Do actions according to "id"
if(id == "42")
// ...
Some route path examples:
// GET /
router.on_get("/", [](auto req, auto res) {
// GET /about
router.on_get("/about", [](auto req, auto res) {
// GET /acd and /abcd
router.on_get("/ab?cd", [](auto req, auto res) {
// GET /abcd, /abbcd, /abbbcd and so on
router.on_get("/ab+cd", [](auto req, auto res) {
// GET /abcd, /abxcd, /abRANDOMcd, /ab123cd and so on
router.on_get("/ab*cd", [](auto req, auto res) {
// GET /abe and /abcde
router.on_get("/ab(cd)?e", [](auto req, auto res) {
// GET /science-paper, /newspaper and so on, but not /newspapers or /paper f.ex.
router.on_get("/.*paper$/", [](auto req, auto res) {
// GET /users/jane/books/aeneid, /users/john/books/poetics and so on
router.on_get("/users/:username([a-z]+)/books/:title([a-z]+)", [](auto req, auto res) {
auto username = req->params().get("username");
auto title = req->params().get("title");
// First example: username == "jane", title == "aeneid"
// Params' get-method throws ParamException if key doesn't exist
// Do actions according to the values
// GET /users/2/books/5, /users/15/books/312 and so on
router.on_get("/users/:userId(\\d+)/books/:bookId(\\d+)", [](auto req, auto res) {
auto userId = req->params().get("userId");
auto bookId = req->params().get("bookId");
// First example: userId == "2", bookId == "5"
// Params' get-method throws ParamException if key doesn't exist
// Do actions according to the values