Export 3D scene and assets in Unity to Cocos Creator.
Unity URP sample scene converted for Cocos and built on the web.
From Unity's left-hand scene to Cocos' right-hand scene.
Image, FBX meshes copy and auto-generate meta files.
Support URP material to Cocos material convert. ( If you are using Built-In pipeline, you can convert to URP with the Unity's support. )
Map Unity's assets to Cocos' assets. (ex. Unity's Cube mesh -> Cocos' Box mesh)
- Support 3D physics feature. (Collider / Rigidbody etc)
This is an experimental project. Complete conversion is not possible.
Make a backup of your project if you use it.
The following will not be supported. We need your help!
Prefab support. (Very complicated...)
ParticleSystem / 2D Feature / uGUI convert.
Audio / Animation export.
If you are new to CocosCreator, please read this page first to understand the differences between Unity and CocosCreator. https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/guide/unity/
>= Unity 2022.3.11f1 ( >= URP 14.0.9 )
>= Cocos Creator 3.8.1
To install via upm, specify https://github.com/ina-amagami/Cocos2Unity.git?path=Packages/Unity2Cocos
"dependencies": {
"jp.amagamina.unity-2-cocos": "https://github.com/ina-amagami/Unity2Cocos.git?path=Packages/Unity2Cocos",
Or copy /Packages/Unity2Cocos/
into your project.
Use the com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json >= 3.0.2
Create a CocosCreator project.
If using PostProcessVolume or FXAA, set up a custom Cocos rendering pipeline. please see https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/render-pipeline/post-process/
Create a setting file in
menu select ofUnity2Cocos/ExportSetting
in Unity.
Add the scene you want to convert to "Scenes" list.
Change settings as needed (see below "Setting").
Click "Convert for Cocos".
Select export directory (root directory of Cocos project).
FBX mesh uuid that cannot be identified on Unity is modified by Python scripts after importing into Cocos.
- Run the Python script
% python3 ./Packages/Unity2Cocos/Tools/replace_mesh_id.py
Enter the folder path: [Your export directory]
- If you see the following, you have succeeded. Open the scene in Cocos and check it.
- Replace: 929e9c50-5f7a-41ae-93db-7aedb8c94ac4@mesh-name:safety_hat_low.mesh -> 3d871
- Replace: b332724b-ff23-422d-9369-99df2ab5a6ac@mesh-name:level_low.mesh -> 78d63
- Replace: d05f7138-939f-4ab0-a06b-1b7e76e0c6c3@mesh-name:safety_goggles_low.mesh -> c40d4
--- Replace mesh id end ---
Title | Status | Remarks |
Ambient Light | ✅ | Only gradient settings are taken over (because Cocos only supports gradients). |
Shadows | ✅ | Refer to URP pipeline settings. |
Skybox | ❌ | |
Prefab | ❌ | Unpack to a normal GameObject and then convert. |
Title | Status | Remarks |
Scene | ✅ | Unsupported components will be skipped. |
Prefab | ❌ | |
FBX Model | ✅ | |
Single Mesh and non-FBX formats |
❌ | |
2D Texture | ✅ | Some formats may not be supported by Cocos. |
3D Texture TextureArray |
❌ | |
Sprite | ❌ | |
Material | ✅ | If no MaterialConverter is defined, Cocos' Standard shaders are used. |
Shader | ❌ | Use the one prepared on the Cocos side. |
Terrain | ❌ |
Title | Status | Remarks |
Transform | ✅ | Converted from left hand coordinate system to right hand coordinate system. |
Mesh Filter & MeshRenderer |
✅ | |
Skinned Mesh Renderer | ❌ | |
Sprite Renderer | ❌ | |
Terrain | ❌ | |
Camera | ✅ | Physical parameters are not supported. |
Light | ✅ | Area light not yet supported (will be in the future). |
LightProbeGroup | ✅ | |
LODGroup | ✅ | |
ReflectionProbe | ✅ | Note that resolution settings are very different between Unity and Cocos. |
Volume (PostProcessing) |
✅ | Global Volume only, uses Cocos PostProcess. Needs to be configured on Cocos side. https://docs.cocos.com/creator/manual/en/render-pipeline/post-process/ Supported only by Bloom, FXAA. |
Colliders | ❌ | Future support. |
Rigidbody | ❌ | Future support. |
Particle System | ❌ | |
Animator | ❌ |
Unity Shader | Cocos Effect |
Universal Render Pipeline/Unlit | builtin-unlit |
Universal Render Pipeline/Simple Lit | builtin-standard |
Universal Render Pipeline/Lit | builtin-standard |
Other | builtin-standard |
* If SimpleLit's SpecularMap and Lit's MetallicMap are used, these parameters regenerate the texture since the channels used on the Cocos side are different.
This software is released under the MIT License. https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Copyright (c) 2023 ina-amagami / Amagamina Games, Inc. ([email protected])
The UniversalRenderPipeline sample scenes included in the repository were created by Unity Software Inc.