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@jsantell jsantell released this 15 Mar 01:12
· 24 commits to master since this release

We got reports (#307) of polyfill breakage (thanks @dustinkerstein!) on newer versions of Chrome. In Chrome m65, a regression to devicemotion events doesn't provide rotationRate, breaking the head tracking in the polyfill, and m66 switching DeviceMotionEvent.rotationRate values to use degrees instead of radians to be aligned with the spec. Separately there's another issue where deviceorientation/devicemotion events are fired at 5-10hz in Chrome m65/m66. This doesn't consistently occur.

This release includes an updated CardboardVRDisplay with fixes for the devicemotion Chrome m65 regression by using a deviceorientation fallback (immersive-web/cardboard-vr-display@d770e01)
and does not take advantage of sensor fusion, and also includes a fix to handle Chrome m66's rotationRate unit change (immersive-web/cardboard-vr-display@75a6d51). The issue of lowered device motion rate in Chrome m65/m66 can be tracked at With Sensor API (#10) now being supported instead of devicemotion, one temporary workaround is enabling sensors. Read here to learn more about enabling Sensor API.

TLDR: If seeing issues in Chrome m65 and later versions, please update to the latest version of the WebVR Polyfill. There may be some stuttering in the pose due to platform issue on m65/m66, which can be solved locally by enabling chrome://flags/#enable-generic-sensor, and there could be a browser update to fix the low frequency rate of device events. Changes have been sent downstream to A-Frame (aframevr/aframe#3453). If upgrading from 0.9.x to 0.10.x, be sure to call the WebVRPolyfill constructor with your configuration object rather than using window.WebVRConfig (example).

Other Noteworthy Fixes