Pazz(previously called passbase
) utilizes the inherent cryptographical methods of Keybase to store and access individual or team crendentials to be used in different circumstances. It's simple, lightweight and secure by nature.
(1) Create/Search/Update +----------------+ (2) Store/Retrieve
+------------->| SQLite3 |<------------+
| +----------------+ |
| |
+----------------+ +----------------+
| Pazz |<------(Password)-------π---| Keybase(KBFS) |
+----------------+ +----------------+
(3) Decrypt/Encrypt
$ pazz [team name]
- Running on Linux(several distros), Mac and Windows via command line (Keybase runtime needed)
- automatically check keybase/sqlite3 installation status and run them up if necessary
- Use sqlite3 as DB to manage usernames and servcies entries
- Interactive command line to create, search or update a password
- Input or generate a password upon user's choice
- Search in command line about one or multiple password/other secrets using fuzzy criterias
- Change a password
- Use keybase to decrypt the password artifact if user want to view it,can be copied to clipboard while viewing it
- Save password artifacts with keybase encryption saltpack, directly in sqlite
(too big?)- [ ] create a new password entry in DB and point to saltpack file - on Mobile devices (TBD)