Releases: imazen/imageflow-server
Releases · imazen/imageflow-server
HybridCacheService now sets WriteSynchronouslyWhenQueueFull = false
HybridCacheService now sets WriteSynchronouslyWhenQueueFull = false to stop request failures in deployment scenarios where multiple instances are trying to write to the same database and one process cannot do any disk writes.
v0.8.2 - Patch libwebp flaw
Please update immediately if you process untrusted images with Imageflow. See GHSA-7vpr-3ppw-qrpj for more information
Tweak Imageflow.Server.Host for better experience
- Released packages will have all the files in the root of the .zip
- The default imageflow.toml will define a helpful default page with a test image and a link to /imageflow.debug
- A problematic alpha setting now defaults to disabled.
- A bit of helpful messaging about imageflow.toml in /imageflow.debug
v0.8.0 - New package and bug fixes
- Imageflow.Server.Configuration allows you to load an imageflow.toml file instead of config-as-code in Startup.cs
- Imageflow.Server.Host is an app that uses this to provide a copy-and-paste-into-IIS solution.
- We have dropped support for .NET 3.1 and .NET 5, just like Microsoft/Github.
- Dockerfiles now use ASP.NET 7 (the ideal target atm)
- We now send weak e-tags - no concrete bug or real-word case was identified but in theory, a very very slow (kbps) connection could cause a range-request that gets two different versions of a file if you have a tiny cache with tons of churn and non-deterministic compression.
- This might be FIPS compliant. FIPS compliance is bogus and deprecated but some obscure corps still enable it.
v0.7.9 - Add support for &srcset syntax, let webp read &quality=
Update imageflow
v0.7.8 - Upgrade dependencies, incl. Imageflow 2.0.0-preview4, .NET 7 testing
- Upgrade various dependencies
- Imageflow 2.0.0-preview4
- Add .NET 7 build & testing
- The rare and ancient %u URL encoding is no longer supported, which may be a breaking change.
Add Imazen.Common.FileTypeDetection
v0.7.6 Update dotnet-core.yml
Add some assembly attributes to Imazen.Common for use elsewhere
v0.7.1 Add a 50ms sleep for TestDomainsLicense issue
Breaking changes to IStreamCache, test against .NET 6 instead of 5
- Test and example projects that used to use .NET 5 now use 6
- Most projects are still compatible with .Net Core 3.1 or .NET Standard 2.0
- Breaking interface change: Replace Tuple in Imazen.Common.IStreamCache interface with IStreamCacheInput and StreamCacheInput