This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.0.0-beta.23 or later.
To install the plugin, follow these instructions.
Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:
cd /path/to/project
Add the repo to the project. If using locally download the files and put them in your main web directory, then use the path repository, otherwise use the VCS repository. Add the appropriate code to your composer.json file:
"repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }, { "type": "path", "url": "../craft-marketoform" }, ],
Then tell Composer to load the plugin:
composer require imarc/craft-marketoform
In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for Marketo Form.
In your config folder create a file called
and put the following information in it, filling in your own values
return [
"clientId" => MARKETO CLIENT ID,
"clientSecret" => MARKETO_CLIENT_SECRET,
"marketoUrl" => MARKETO_URL,
"munchkinId" => MUNCHKIN_ID,
"baseUrl" => BLOG_BASE_URL,
"cacheTimeout" => 86400
After you install the plugin, you can create Marketo Form fields using field settings in the control panel. All field settings can be found in the field manager.
The plugin includes methods for retrieving Marketo Form JSON from Marketo with or without using the the Marketo Form field type.
Placeholder Text: Text that appears to the CMS editor for the Marketo ID
Allow thank you message: Allows the CMS editor to enter a thank you message
Allow redirect URL: Allows the CMS editor to enter a redirect URL for where the user goes after a successful form submission
Allow onSubmit code: Allows the CMS editor to enter code that can be used in the onSubmit method of the Marketo javascript API
Allow onSuccess code: Allows the CMS editor to enter code that can be used in the onSuccess method of the Marketo javascript API
The Marketo plugin provides two methods for retrieving Marketo Form JSON from Marketo.
{% set marketoForm = craft.marketoForm.marketoFormJson(marketoId) %}
retrieves the raw JSON result from Marketo. This is in the form of an array of form fields. The simplest way to display this form will look something like:
{% for field in marketoForm %}
{% if field.dataType == 'checkboxes' %}
{% for checkbox in field.fieldMetaData.values %}
<label class="blogSubscription__checkbox" for="mktoCheckbox_{{ loop.index }}" id="Lbl{{ }}">
<input name="{{ }}" id="mktoCheckbox_{{ loop.index }}" type="checkbox" value="{{ checkbox.value }}" aria-required="true" aria-labelledby="Lbl{{ }} LblmktoCheckbox_{{ loop.index }} Instruct{{ }}">
{{ checkbox.label }}
{% endfor %}
{% elseif field.dataType != 'checkboxes' and field.dataType != 'htmltext' and field.dataType != 'hidden' %}
<input type="{{ field.dataType }}" class="email__input" placeholder="{{ field.hintText is defined ? field.hintText }}" id="{{ }}" name="{{ }}" aria-labelledby="Lbl{{ }} Instruct{{ }}" aria-required="{{ field.required }}" aria-invalid="true" aria-describedby="ValidMsg{{ }}">
{% elseif field.dataType == 'hidden' %}
<input type="{{ field.dataType }}" name="{{ }}">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Bear in mind that Marketo supports conditional form fields like state fields that appear when a specific country is selected. You may need to write javascript to accomodate this.
This method retrieves a JSON object rather than an array:
{% set marketoForm = craft.marketoForm.marketoForm(marketoId) %}
The field ids will be the keys, except for htmlText and hidden fields which are put into arrays. This is helpful when you know exactly what fields the form will have and you want to alter the order in which they show up. A field could be displayed like this:
<label for="firstName" id="LblfirstName">{{ marketoForm.firstName.label }}</label>
<input type="{{ marketoForm.firstName.dataType }}" class="email__input" placeholder="{{ marketoForm.firstName.hintText is defined ? marketoForm.firstName.hintText }}" id="firstName" name="firstName" aria-labelledby="LblfirstName InstructfirstName" aria-required="{{ marketoForm.firstName.required }}" aria-invalid="true" aria-describedby="ValidMsg{{ }}">
If you create a field called blogSignupForm
you can access its attributes like so:
{% set marketoFormId = entry.blogSignupForm.marketoFormId %}
{% set thankyouMessage = entry.blogSignupForm.thankyouMessage %}
{% set redirectUrl = entry.blogSignupForm.redirectUrl %}
{% set onSubmit = entry.blogSignupForm.onSubmit %}
{% set onSuccess = entry.blogSignupForm.onSuccess %}
Marketo recommends submitting forms via its Javascript API. Here is some example code for gathering the field inputs and submitting:
Imarc has created a companion vue library for validation and submitting to Marketo that can be found LINK TBD