sample spring boot project for rpc communication
- Build
gradle clean build
- Start the docker compose for other services (zipkin,prometheus,grafana)
docker-compose -f <docker-compose-external-yml-in-repo> up -d
- start server ( right click main class and run)
- start client (right click client main class and run)
- test it with curl
curl localhost:8082/sample/hello
⚠️ You need to set active spring profile from the IDEA
- Build and generate docker images
GPR_API_KEY=$GIT_REPO_TOKEN gradle clean build jibDockerBuild
- run docker-compose all in one
docker-compose -f <docker-compose-yml-in-repo> up -d
- test it with curl
curl localhost:8080/sample/hello
API | RPC Mapping |
/sample/hello | RequestReply |
/sample/hello-stream | RequestStream |
- Tracing Server (Zipkin) - http://localhost:9411/zipkin/
- Grafana Dashboards - http://localhost:3000
- Prometheus - http://localhost:9091