To build the project there are such tasks:
- default task, builds production ready project and starts local server on :3000.make dev
- builds development version of the project and starts local server on :3000.make dev-server
- starts development server on :8080, rebuilds project and reloads the page if sources were changed.make build
- builds production ready project.make build-dev
- builds development version of the project.make start
- starts local server on :3000
There webpack-dev-server
is set up. To start it you
should run make dev-server
and open localhost at :8080
Frontend is being served from local build but requests to
backend are being proxied to :3000
In our application we have a /graphql
endpoint that responds
to GraphQL queries and mutations (check it here and here).
Here is the schema for entities that can be used while developing application:
Connection is a type that describes connection of user.
type Connection {
id: ID!,
vkId: String!,
firstName: String!,
lastName: String!
ConnectionInput is input for connection type.
input ConnectionInput {
vkId: String!,
firstName: String!,
lastName: String!
Task is a type that describes scheduled messages of user.
type Task {
id: ID!,
title: String!,
recipient: Connection!,
date: Int!,
repeatEveryDay: Boolean,
repeatEveryWeek: Boolean
TaskInput is an input type for task.
input TaskInput {
title: String!,
recipient: ID!,
date: Int!,
repeatEveryDay: Boolean,
repeatEveryWeek: Boolean
Status is an utility type that describes status of mutations.
type Status {
status: String
Query is a main query type for endpoint.
type Query {
tasks: [Task],
connections: [Connection]
Mutation is a main mutation for endpoint.
type Mutation {
createTask(task: TaskInput!): Task,
updateTask(id: ID!, TaskInput!): Task,
deleteTask(id: ID!): Status!,
createConnection(connection: ConnectionInput!): Connection,
updateConnection(id: ID!, connection: ConnectionInput!): Connection,
deleteConnection(id: ID!): Status!