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Dimitrios Dimopoulos edited this page Sep 30, 2019 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the icclab_grasping_niryo wiki!

This repository has the base scripts for the Niryo-One robot (official docs). It allows us to run a grasping demo in-the-real using the Grasp Detection Library for the grasp generation and aruco markers for camera pose estimation.

Packages used


To run the demo the irlab_point_cloud_filtering repo should track the master branch. On the robopaas/rosdocked-kinetic-workspace-included image the repo may be tracking the two_pcl_filtering branch. Please check the local repo's branch and git checkout master if necessary.

Additionally, the files, and should be copied to the robot and executed there when needed.

  1. Used to calibrate the arm before using.
  2. Used to turn the motors off.
  3. Used to turn the motors on, otherwise the arm can't execute any trajectories.

If the robot cannot keep the joints still while in learning mode, edit to disable learning mode. Specifically edit the niryo_demo() function into the following:

def niryo_demo():

	n = NiryoOne()

We're using the realsense D415 for this demo. If you encounter any problems, check realsense_info.txt on the main icclab_grasping_niryo directory, it might be of some help.

Any other python script mentioned in this wiki is located in ~/icclab_grasping_niryo/scripts

Networking setup

The Niryo One Studio can be used to connect to a WiFi network. You can find more information on the Niryo One docs.

Each robot has its own hostname setup, you can find it on a sticker on one side of the robot (format: niryo-x). You should be able to find the robot's IP by running nslookup [*niryo-x*]. At this point, you can edit your /etc/hosts file and add the robot's IP and hostname.

To setup proper ROS communication between the robot and your local machine run export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://**niryo IP or hostname**:11311 and export ROS_IP=**local machine's IP** or export ROS_HOSTNAME=**local machine's hostname**. This has to be done in every new terminal you bring up.

Remote move-group launch

First you need to disable move_group from launching when bringing up the robot. For that go into the niryo_one_bringup/launch directory on your robot and disable the robot_commander.launch file by putting everything inside comment brackets. You'll need to restart the robot after this. To run move-group on your local machine, run roslaunch niryo_one_bringup robot_commander.launch simulation_mode:=true.

Camera pose calibration

Any time you move the camera or robot you will need to recalibrate to get the correct pose with respect to the robot. To do this first roslaunch icclab_grasping_niryo camera_niryo.launch and then python This will launch a transform listener, which will in turn save the robot to camera transformation parameters and store them in camera_params.yaml for later use. If the camera and the robot are not moved between runs, then you can skip this procedure. Also, note that the markers are not really needed after the calibration.

Grasping demo

To run the demo start with roslaunch icclab_grasping_niryo niryo_one_aruco_view_gpd.launch. Then run python, which will create a transform broadcaster using the camera_params.yaml file. After this all that remains is python The neural net inference takes a while, so please be patient. After that the arm should grasp the object and then place it.

After the demo

You can run the demo as many times as you want, all you need to do is rerun python If for some reason the gripper is in the camera's filed of view, you'll need to move it out of the way using the moveit Rviz plugin. Go into the planning tab, Select Start State then choose current on the drop-down list, 'Select Goal State' then select resting on the drop-down list. Finally, click on Plan, check if the trajectory looks ok and then click Execute.


  1. Calibrate arm
  2. Setup connection between robot and remote machine
  3. Switch branch of irlab_point_cloud_filtering to master, catkin build from ~/catkin_ws/ and source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
  4. (Optional) roslaunch niryo_one_bringup robot_commander.launch from local machine / cloud
  5. (Optional) roslaunch icclab_grasping_niryo camera_niryo.launch for the camera calibration
  6. (Optional) python in /icclab_grasping_niryo/scripts/ then kill camera_niryo.launch
  7. roslaunch icclab_grasping_niryo niryo_one_aruco_view_gpd.launch
  8. python test_camera.pyin /icclab_grasping_niryo/scripts/
  9. python in /icclab_grasping_niryo/scripts/
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