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Giovanni Laganà edited this page Nov 1, 2022 · 1 revision

Allowed messages

This is the list of current available allowed messages to interact with the bot:

  • proponimi - you want to be added to the list but you are not 100% sure to be present
  • proponi - you propose someone else who may participate
  • aggiungimi - you want to be added or confirmed to the list of participants
  • aggiungi - you add someone to the list or someone who had been previously proposed
  • toglimi - you remove yourself from the list in any case
  • togli - you remove someone else from the list in any case
  • scambia <nome 1> con <nome 2> - you swap two players to balance the teams generated by the bot


This is the list of current available commands:

  • /start - Create new match
  • /setnumber - Set the number of participants
  • /setday - Set the day of the match
  • /settime - Set the time of the match
  • /setdescription - Set the custom message under the list of participants
  • /setpitch - Set the football pitch
  • /participants - Show the participants of the current match
  • /teams - Show the generated teams for the current match
  • /stop - Remove the match
  • /help - Show the list of available commands
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