iRobot® Create® 3 Release G.2.2
This release is running ROS 2 Galactic with the following interface library versions:
Release Overview
As with the last release, this one provides the robot's sensors and controls via topics, actions, and services.
iRobot® Education Bluetooth protocol functionality has been greatly improved in this release; we have released the iRobot Education Python Web Playground to interact with the robot.
Please be sure your robot's BLE/USB Toggle is in the "BLE" position in order to use the robot in this mode.
Note that when the Bluetooth1 radio is enabled, the USB-C2 port cannot communicate with a downstream device (though it remains powered).
Changelog (from G.1.1)
Core Robot
- Webserver
- Properly handles Unicode characters with SSIDs, hostnames, and Bluetooth names
- Reboot Robot and Factory Reset are only available in AP mode
- Added "Identify Robot" when in AP mode to assist setting up multiple robots at once
- MAC addresses are visible on About page
- User Interface
- E-Stop and Backup Limit have new LED patterns to disambiguate from other uses of the UI
- Toggling USB/BLE no longer requires manual application reset from webserver
- Motion Control
- Improve reporting and recovery after safety limits are triggered
- Docking / undocking action improvements and fixes
- Coordinate system fixes
is now 3Dbase_footprint
added as a 2D TF frameimu_link
has been removed
- Advertise light ring brightness parameter
- Added audio publication and action to make speakers play sound
iRobot® Education Bluetooth protocol mode
- Fully implement protocol v1.4
- Add sound device
- Add sound on connection and disconnection
- Advertising rate increased to 10 Hz
- Changing robot name when connected is now reflected in advertisement
- Pressing the power button stops all actuators
- Connection improvements on iOS and Android
- Many stability improvements
Known issues
Core Robot
- Robot may require multiple connection attempts when changing Wi-Fi networks
- Robot will restart application when its connectivity changes, including connection changes with Wi-Fi or the USB interface, or when it receives a new DHCP lease. This is helpful for autoconfiguration with DDSes but can be disruptive.
- Robot prefers time sync from Wi-Fi over its USB interface
- When using CycloneDDS, invoking ROS 23 actions causes a memory leak on the robot. When the robot runs out of memory, it will automatically restart the application. Follow this issue for more information.
iRobot® Education Bluetooth protocol mode
- Robot does not recognize disconnection for thirty seconds.
- Changing Bluetooth name in the webserver does not modify advertisement name until application is restarted