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iExec Worker


The iExec Worker participates in a workerpool by computing tasks purchased by requesters on the iExec marketplace. The iExec Worker must connect to the iExec Core Scheduler of the workerpool to actively participate in the computation.

After registration, the iExec Worker sends a signal to the iExec Core Scheduler at a fixed rate. This signal is used to let the iExec Core Scheduler be aware of the iExec Worker liveness. At the moment, the rate is fixed and this signal is sent every 10 seconds. The iExec Worker will be considered as lost after several failures.

The iExec Worker is available as an OCI image on Docker Hub.


You can configure the iExec Worker with the following properties:

Environment variable Description Type Default value
IEXEC_WORKER_PORT Server HTTP port of the iExec Worker. Positive integer 13100
IEXEC_CORE_PROTOCOL Protocol to connect to the iExec Core Scheduler. String http
IEXEC_CORE_HOST Host to connect to the iExec Core Scheduler. String localhost
IEXEC_CORE_PORT Port to connect to the iExec Core Scheduler. Positive integer 13000
IEXEC_WORKER_NAME Public name of the iExec Worker. String worker
POOL_ADDRESS On-chain address of the workerpool managed by the iExec Core Scheduler, the default value must be changed. String 0x0
IEXEC_WORKER_BASE_DIR Path to the folder within which the iExec Worker will read-and-write inputs and outputs of tasks. String /tmp/iexec-worker
IEXEC_WORKER_OVERRIDE_AVAILABLE_CPU_COUNT Number of CPUs available for computing distinct tasks. If not set, n-1 CPUs will be used, where n is the number of available processors. Positive integer
IEXEC_WORKER_GPU_ENABLED Declares if the iExec Worker is able to compute tasks requesting GPU mode. Note that if it is true, IEXEC_WORKER_OVERRIDE_AVAILABLE_CPU_COUNT will be ignored. Boolean false
IEXEC_GAS_PRICE_MULTIPLIER Transactions will be sent with networkGasPrice * IEXEC_GAS_PRICE_MULTIPLIER. Float 1.3
IEXEC_GAS_PRICE_CAP In Wei, will be used for transactions if networkGasPrice * IEXEC_GAS_PRICE_MULTIPLIER > gasPriceCap. Positive integer 22000000000
IEXEC_WORKER_OVERRIDE_BLOCKCHAIN_NODE_ADDRESS `If set, will be used instead of the address given by the blockchain adapter. String
IEXEC_DEVELOPER_LOGGER_ENABLED Whether to print application logs of tasks. Boolean false
IEXEC_WORKER_TEE_COMPUTE_MAX_HEAP_SIZE_GB Max heap size for TEE apps. Positive integer 8
IEXEC_WORKER_DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME Internal Docker network name of the iExec Worker. Required for communication between worker and launched-by-worker containers. String iexec-worker-net
IEXEC_WORKER_DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME_0 Username to pull apps from official Docker registry. String
IEXEC_WORKER_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD_0 Password to pull apps from official Docker registry. String
IEXEC_WORKER_DOCKER_REGISTRY_ADDRESS_1 Custom Docker registry address. String
IEXEC_WORKER_DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME_1 Username to pull apps from custom Docker registry. String
IEXEC_WORKER_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD_1 Password to pull apps from custom Docker registry. String
IEXEC_WORKER_DOCKER_IMAGE_MIN_PULL_TIMEOUT Minimum timeout to pull Dapp images. String PT5M
IEXEC_WORKER_DOCKER_IMAGE_MAX_PULL_TIMEOUT Maximum timeout to pull Dapp images. String PT30M
IEXEC_WORKER_WALLET_PATH Path to the wallet that should be used by the iExec Worker. String ./src/main/resources/wallet/encrypted-wallet_worker1.json
IEXEC_WORKER_WALLET_PASSWORD Password of the wallet that should be used by the iExec Worker. String whatever
IEXEC_SCONE_SHOW_VERSION Whether to display version of Scone. Boolean true
IEXEC_SCONE_LOG_LEVEL Log level Scone should use. [0,7] or String debug
IEXEC_WORKER_SCONTAIN_REGISTRY_NAME Host of the Scontain registry. Currently used to pull LAS image. String
IEXEC_WORKER_SCONTAIN_REGISTRY_USERNAME Username to connect to the Scontain registry. String
IEXEC_WORKER_SCONTAIN_REGISTRY_PASSWORD Password to connect to the Scontain registry. String
IEXEC_LAS_PORT Port the LAS should be started on. Positive integer 18766
IEXEC_WORKER_SGX_DRIVER_MODE Intel® SGX driver that should be used. { NONE, LEGACY, NATIVE } NONE
IEXEC_WORKER_METRICS_WINDOW_SIZE Number of pre/app/post-compute duration used to compute metrics. Positive integer 1,000

Health checks

A health endpoint (/actuator/health) is enabled by default and can be accessed on the IEXEC_WORKER_PORT. This endpoint allows to define health checks in an orchestrator or a compose file. No default strategy has been implemented in the Dockerfile at the moment.


A metrics endpoint (/metrics) is available. It currently exposes data on TEE pre-compute, app-compute and TEE post-compute durations in the following form:

  "preComputeDurations": {
    "minDuration": 3835.0,
    "maxDuration": 3928.0,
    "averageDuration": 3881.5,
    "durationSamplesCount": 2
  "appComputeDurations": {
    "minDuration": 4349.0,
    "maxDuration": 4349.0,
    "averageDuration": 4349.0,
    "durationSamplesCount": 1
  "postComputeDurations": {
    "minDuration": 16080.0,
    "maxDuration": 16080.0,
    "averageDuration": 16080.0,
    "durationSamplesCount": 1
  "completeComputeDurations": {
    "minDuration": 24264.0,
    "maxDuration": 24264.0,
    "averageDuration": 24264.0,
    "durationSamplesCount": 1

These metrics are computed on the latest IEXEC_WORKER_METRICS_WINDOW_SIZE executions of each stage.

All these metrics but complete compute durations can also be exposed on /actuator/prometheus endpoint. In such a case, they are called iexec_{pre_compute|app_compute|post_compute}_duration_{min|max|average|samples_count}.

⚠ As pre-compute is optional, metrics of each stage are not consistent. E.g.: if IEXEC_WORKER_METRICS_WINDOW_SIZE replicates are executed, each of those replicates without any dataset nor input file, then none of the pre-compute durations relates to any of app-compute or post-compute durations. So, treat these metrics with care.

Build from sources

Please first update your config located in ./src/main/resources/application.yml

./gradlew build --refresh-dependencies


This repository code is released under the Apache License 2.0.