The iExec Result Proxy stores results of iExec tasks on IPFS.
The iExec Result Proxy is available as an OCI image on Docker Hub.
To run properly, the iExec Result Proxy requires:
- A blockchain node. iExec smart contracts must be deployed on the blockchain network.
- A MongoDB instance to persist its data.
- An IPFS node where iExec tasks results will be pushed and retrieved.
You can configure the iExec Result Proxy with the following properties:
Environment variable | Description | Type | Default value |
Server HTTP port of the result proxy. | Positive integer | 13200 |
Mongo server host. Cannot be set with URI. | String | localhost |
Mongo server port. Cannot be set with URI. | Positive integer | 13202 |
Chain ID of the blockchain network to connect. | `Integer | 134 |
Define whether iExec on-chain protocol is built on top of token (false ) or native currency (true ). |
Boolean | true |
Private URL to connect to the blockchain node. | URL | |
Proxy contract address to interact with the iExec on-chain protocol. | Ethereum address | 0x3eca1B216A7DF1C7689aEb259fFB83ADFB894E7f |
Duration between consecutive blocks on the blockchain network. | String | PT5S |
Transactions will be sent with networkGasPrice * IEXEC_GAS_PRICE_MULTIPLIER . |
Float | 1.0 |
In Wei, will be used for transactions if networkGasPrice * IEXEC_GAS_PRICE_MULTIPLIER > gasPriceCap . |
Integer | 22000000000 |
Host to connect to the IPFS node. | String | |
Server port of the IPFS node. | Positive integer | 5001 |
In addition to the aforementioned properties, it is possible to leverage Spring Common Application Properties. More specifically, you may want to configure limits of uploadable file sizes. In order to do so, you can override the default for the following Web Properties.
Environment variable | Description | Type | Default value |
Max file size. | String | 1MB |
Max request size. | String | 10MB |
A health endpoint (/actuator/health
) is enabled by default and can be accessed on the IEXEC_RESULT_PROXY_PORT.
This endpoint allows to define health checks in an orchestrator or a compose file.
No default strategy has been implemented in the Dockerfile at the moment.
This repository code is released under the Apache License 2.0.