This is a Linked Data server forked from Pubby that adds an HTML interface and
dereferenceable URLs on top of RDF data that sits in a SPARQL
In addition to Pubby, GeoPubby supports the following features:
- Detection of geometries in the following geometry literals:
- GeoSPARQL WKTLiteral
- GeoSPARQL GMLLiteral
- GeoJSON Literal
- Well-Known-Binary WKBLiteral
- Supports reprojection of geometries to EPSG coordinate reference systems
- Implements a fuzzy search over concept labels
- Implements the exports of geometries in one of the following formats:
- RDF Serizalizations: HexTuples, JSON-LD, N-Triples, Notation3, NQuads, RDF/JSON, RDF/XML, TriG, TriX, TTL
- Graph serializations: Graph Definition File (GDF), Graph Exchange XML Format (GEXF), Graph Modeling Language (GML), GraphML, Graph Exchange Language (GXL), Neo4J Cypher, Trivial Graph Format (TGF), Tulip File Format (TLP)
- Vector geometry formats: GeoHash, GeoJSON, GeoJSON-LD, GeoURI, KML, GML, GPX, LatLonText, MapML, Open Location Code (OLC), OSM/XML, SVG, TopoJSON, WKT, HexWKB
- Coverage-centric formats:
- CoverageJSON to display Points, LineStrings, Polygons and GridCoverages
- XYZASCII to display coverage data or simply a list of points
- Multiple purpose formats: CSV, JSON, JSONP, ODS, XLS, XLSX, YAML
- Binary formats: BSON, RDF/EXI, RDF/Thrift
- Streaming formats: JSON Sequential, GeoJSON Sequential
GeoPubby can be deployed on an Apache Tomcat webserver.
To so so:
- Clone this repository
- Build the GeoPubby .war application using maven
- Deploy the warfile on an Apache Tomcat Webserver
GeoPubby can be deployed using Docker.
To do so:
- Clone this repository
- Build the Docker container using the Dockerfile included in this repository
GeoPubby can be configured using the same configuration options included in Pubby.
Please consult the Pubby homepage for further information.