My personal multi-system configuration using Nix and Home Manager.
Nix was my cure from distrohopping. It's the way all software should have been done from the start. — Yours truly
- Customized + modular configuration with Snowfall Lib (Thanks Jake!)
- Secret management with sops-nix
- Syncthing setup between machines
- Declarative disk layout with disko
- Day/Night Theme variation with darkman
Other Configs:
Waybar config adapted from
Other references:
Spotify/Chromium or other Electron apps might stop working when changing configs, then you'll have to find the SingletonLock file and delete it. (Ref)
rm -rf ~/.cache/spotify/Singleton*
rm -rf ~/.config/chromium/Singleton*
Currently, there's no established method for configuring Zotero decalratively. In the meantime, I'm documentating my configuration here:
- Plugins
Better BibTex
zotero style
zotero reading status
zotero categorical tags
Zotero Actions & Tags (disabled)
Current workflow questions I have:
- What do I actually use collections for? I currently have Inbox, Up Next, and Read. I'd rather use tags for read and unread status. Maybe a collection for "Up Next". What do people usually use collections for? Is there a plugin to automatically manage the collections? Are collections completely separate namespaces? What are the pros and cons for separate collections vs. one big collection?