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Soundlibrary download feature

thijs edited this page Jan 23, 2014 · 2 revisions

! WARNING : the content of this page is out of date (will be updated soon) !

Right now you can download and install a Sound Library directly inside hydrogen.

How does it work? Hydrogen will download the drumkit_list.xml file from an HTTP server. The downloaded file contains the name, the download url and some extra information about the Sound Library.

example file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Drumkit list test -->

	<name>V-Synth VariBreaks Kit</name>
	<info>All sounds in this kit have been created from scratch using Roland V-Synth... </info>

	<name>Roland TR-626</name>
	<info>One of the very last drum boxes of the TR series. TR-626 featured 30 12-bit PCM samples...</info>

Notes: The drumkit name MUST be indentical to the name of the Sound Library directory!! Example: V-Synth_VariBreaks.h2drumkit must contain the V-Synth_VariBreaks directory once unpacked. Many drumkit are broken now (wrong filenames) and MUST be fixed!