The easiest setup is via the dev. container: Clone this repo., open in VS-code, re-open in container. This route only requires finalizing the solver setup. Alternatively, you can set up manually as described below.
The second precomputation phase (filtering non-optimal decisions via redundancy elimination) requires an ILP solver. Mosek is the default choice, which is an commercial solver that offers free academic licenses. Here is the Mosek setup guide. Experiments for SIGMOD used this solver.
Alternatively, you can deinstall Mosek (the Python package) to fallback to CVXPY which automatically discovers installed solvers and picks one of these, see setup of cvxpy.
- Setup Rust, e.g., via rustup (for Linux/Mac:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
) - Follow Dockerfile for further setup steps ...
Precomputation has to be executed from the root of this repo. Hydro requires access to the setup Rust project in this repo and requires the dev infrastructure also for running the precomputation.
Precomputation is executed for predefined precomputation experiments (scenarios) via: python3 -m deploy --experiment [experiment name]
The predefined precomputation experiments can be listed via: python3 -m deploy --list-experiments
Precomputation parameters can be customized via command line arguments, see python3 -m deploy --help
Precomputed oracles are stored in the results folder of this repo (if not customized). Each experiment has a subdirectory, where their precomputed oracles are stored in a directory hierarchy reflecting scenario parameters (cloud regions, object store types, replication factor range) and precomputation parameters.
New precomputation experiments can be specified in deploy/experiments. First, create a new file in this directory. Then implement a builder function that instantiates a list of experiments with the desired parameters. Then create a dictionary of named experiments, with a name as a string key and the builder function as value. Finally, register your named experiments by extending the file.
Custom precomputation can be executed via command line arguments. Rather than giving an experiment name, all experiment parameters have to be specified as arguments, see python3 -m deploy --help
The Python package for querying the SkyPIE Oracle has utility packages from this repo:
- Baselines: High performance implementation of baselines in Rust with Python bindings.
- Serialization: Serialization of SkyPIE oracle for Rust and Python via ProtoBuf.
python3 -m pip install -e baselines
python3 -m pip install -e proto_messages
The script util/ builds the utility packages for Python >=3.7 and your current environment (OS and HW architecture). The resulting Python Wheels in target/wheels than can be installed in any compatible environment.