a plugin to help webpack to generate unique chunk id based on module id
webpack has official plugins to generate a unique module id: module-identifiers
but what about chunk id? I can't find a solution.
what is chunk id? open a bundled file, you can find something like this:
and the number 117 is chunk id
- NamedModulesPlugin or HashedModuleIdsPlugin or other plugins generate unique module id
npm install webpack-hashed-chunkids --save-dev
- generate unique chunk id based on unique module id
const HashedChunkidsPlugin = require('webpack-hashed-chunkids');
plugins: [
new webpack.HashedModuleIdsPlugin(),
new HashedChunkidsPlugin({
hashFunction: 'md5', // The hashing algorithm to use, defaults to 'md5'. All functions from Node.JS' crypto.createHash are supported.
hashDigest: 'hex', // The encoding to use when generating the hash, defaults to 'hex'. All encodings from Node.JS' hash.digest are supported.
hashDigestLength: 4 // The prefix length of the hash digest to use, defaults to 4.