TourEase is a website specifically designed to connect tour guides with travel agencies and travelers, making the process of finding and selecting tours easy and stress-free for all parties involved.
- Authentication & Authorization: Login, Logout, Register
- Admin: Manage destinations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
- Travel Agency: Add, update, and delete tour jobs; select tour guides
- Tour Guide: Search for and apply to tour jobs
- Notifications: When a tour guide applies for a tour job, the travel agency receives a notification. The agency can then select the tour guide who best matches their qualifications, and that tour guide will receive a notification.
- Backend: Microservices with .NET 8, Identity Server, Entity Framework, Dapper, RabbitMQ, gRPC, SignalR, YARP, Serilog, Elasticsearch, AutoMapper, FluentValidator
- Frontend: ReactJS, NextJS, Next Auth, Zustand, Tailwind CSS, React Hook Form
- Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQL Server, Redis, MySQL
- Deployment: Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD workflows using GitHub Actions
- Unit & Integration Testing: XUnit, Moq
Postman API:
- Handles write operations (like creating, updating and deleting tour jobs).
- We use SQL Server to ensure data consistency with strong transactions, which is important for Travel Agencies posting new tours.
- Focuses on read operations, as many users will search for tour jobs.
- MongoDB allows faster searches by avoiding complex joins, and it can easily scale out to handle large numbers of users.
- Seeding:
- During seeding, all data first be seeded in SQL Server. The TourSearch Service will then call the Tour Service to retrieve data and insert it into MongoDB
- If the Tour Service is unavailable, the TourSearch Service will retry until the data is successfully retrieved
- Create, Update, Delete:
- Data synchronization is handled via RabbitMQ, with the Outbox Pattern implemented to manage scenarios when RabbitMQ is down
- The TourJobCreatedConsumer will retry 5 times if MongoDB is down
- When a Destination is Deleted, all its child destinations will also be Deleted. Any TourJobs containing these Destinations will be Updated in both SQL Server and MongoDB
- A TourGuide submits an application after passing role and status checks.
- The status of the application is set to Pending.
- The total number of applicants is updated in both the TourService and TourSearchService.
- A TourGuide cancels their Pending application.
- The status of the application is changed to Canceled.
- Both TourService and TourSearchService are updated.
- A TourGuide re-applies for a previously canceled application.
- The status of the application is changed back to Pending.
- The total number of applicants is updated again in TourService and TourSearchService.
- A TravelAgency selects a TourGuide from the Pending applications.
- The selected application is marked as Accepted, while the others are marked as Rejected.
- Both services update the selected TourGuide and Status for the tour job.
- Update IsFinished status in TourApplication Service
- Publish TourJobsExpired event to update TourJob status to Expired in Tour Service and TourSearch Service
- When the travel agency publishes a new tour job, all tour guides will receive a notification.
- When a tour guide performs application actions (apply, cancel, reapply), the tour job owner (travel agency) will receive a notification.
- When the tour job owner (travel agency) selects a tour guide, the chosen tour guide will receive a notification.
Authentication flow with OAuth2
- Search by Title or Itinerary
- Filter by Country, City, Duration, Currency, and Include Finished
- Order by End date (default), Recently added, Ascending salary, or Descending salary
- Pagination with the option to select Page Size
- If User wants to select a City, they must select a Country first (all Cities of that Country will be available in the City Options)
- When User inputs a Search Term, Filters will be reset
- When User selects a Country, Search Term will be reset
- Clicking the Logo will reset all Search Term and Filters
- Create and Update TourJob validation:
- For VND Currency, salary must not have decimal places.
- Expired date must be in the future (at least 2 hours).
- Start date must be after the expired date.
- End date must be after the start date.
- Create Root Destination: User can select a Parent Destination
- Create Child Destination: The Parent Dropdown is disabled
- Update Destiantion: The Parent Dropdown is hidden
- Public pages:
- /tourjobs: Displays tour jobs
- /tourjobs/[slug]: Displays tour job details that TourGuide Role can apply for (login required)
- Pages only Admin Role:
- /destinations/list: Displays the destination list, including options create, update, delete destinations
- Pages only TravelAgency Role:
- /tourjobs/list : Displays the tour jobs of the agency (My tour jobs)
- /tourjobs/create: Allows the agency to create a tour job
- /tourjobs/update/[id]: Allows the agency to update a tour job
- /tourjobs/[slug]: Displays applicants who has applied, the agency can choose one
- Pages only Tour Guide Role:
- /tourjobs/[slug]: Displays a button to apply for the tour job
- /applications: Displays the list of applications the tour guide has submitted. They can Cancel or Reapply for tour jobs
- Migration commands for Tour API:
cd src\Services\Tour
dotnet ef migrations add "Int_TourDB" -p Tour.Infrastructure --startup-project Tour.API --output-dir Persistence/Migrations
dotnet ef migrations remove -p Tour.Infrastructure --startup-project Tour.API
dotnet ef database update -p Tour.Infrastructure --startup-project Tour.API
- Tour Guide Networking: Tour guides can connect with each other by adding friends.
- Reviews: Both tour guides and travel agencies can leave reviews for each other.
- Tour Management for Guides: Helps tour guides easily organize their calendars and manage their tours.
- Tour Advertising: Agencies can promote their tours by pushing notifications to selected tour guides.
- Soft Delete Tour, after 30 days, auto delete
- API Versioning
- Apply Trie to search autocomplete Tour Job
- Upload Image
- Chat Feature: Allows communication between users.
- New Role: Traveler: Introduce a traveler role to the platform.
- Expanded Tour Properties: Add more details to tours, such as types (Adventure, History, Buddhism, Culture, etc.), locations (US, UK, Vietnam, etc.), and languages (English, Vietnamese, etc.).
- Tour Design & Booking: Tour guides and travel agencies can design tours. Travelers can book individual guides or purchase tours from agencies.
- Payment Integration: Allow payments through the platform.
- Multilingual Support: Support multiple languages for the website.