- data_analysis
- analytics.sql
- data_clean
- diwang
- collision_etl.sql
- tiechuanhu
- mta_data_clean.sql
- diwang
- data_ingest
- data_ingestion.md
- data_profile
- diwang
- collisions_profiling
- tiechuanhu
- mta_data_profile
- diwang
- screenshot
- analytics
- *.png
- screenshots_mta.pdf
- analytics
- Follow the data ingestion instruction and create tables accordingly.
- Running queries in data_clean and data_profiling directories
- Run analytics queries from data_analysis directory
This is a Hive project so most of the results are printed in the terminal.
However, in case you need to export a table to csv, please run this command
hive -e 'use MYNETID; select * from TABLENAME' | sed 's/[\t]/,/g' > MYCSVFILENAME.csv