evenly is a simple javascript library to solve problem which is similar to how to divide the gold evenly?
Q: How 3 robbers to divide 100 gold?
A: 100 / 3 can not solve it. But evenly can, evenly(100, 3)
can get [33.34, 33.33, 33.33]
. Done ^_^.
npm install evenly
Then import it.
var evenly = require('evenly');
import evenly from 'evenly';
Then use evenly(gold, robber, fixed=2) API.
// 3 robber divide 100 golds, with 2 decimal.
evenly(100, 3, 1); // will return [33.4, 33.3, 33.3];
evenly(100, 6); // will return [16.67, 16.67, 16.67, 16.67, 16.66, 16.66];
The unique API is: evenly(gold, robber, fixed=2).
- gold (Number): the number of gold.
- robber (Number): the number of robber who will divide the gold.
- fixed (Number): the decimal length, default is
The api return the array which shows how to divide the gold evenly.
npm install
npm run build
npm test
MIT @hustcc