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A simple blog that just has text posts and some basic features.

You can test it here.

Main Page Screenshot

Screenshot of the MonoText site's main page.

Data Model Diagram

MonoText data model diagram.

This site is my final project for "Django for Everybody".

I tried to focus on practicing Django features while keeping the overall site, and any other technologies that i used, as simple as possible.

Using MonoText (without logged-in account) you can only see posts and search for a post.

Using MonoText (with logged-in account) you can like/comment on any post, create new posts, have/change his own profile picture and have a personal profile page that shows all of his own posts.

  • Important Notes:
    • Currently, there is no legal way to create a new account on this site, (that's because i am not planning to maintain or update it anymore).
    • There are 2 accounts available to test the site thoroughly and their login information is already fulfilled on the login page, so anyone can just press login on the chosen account.

I spent about two weeks working on this project and learning some extra stuff to fill in the gaps and solve some of the problems that i faced. And although the site is not fully featured i am very proud of it and looking for more to learn and build.