goSysStatsd is a utility to add system metrics like memory usage and disk usage to your statsd system.
Being written in golang goSysStatsd is a zero dependency tool that can just be deployed by copying one file on the destination system.
- Copy the executable on your system
wget http://downloads.gofog.org/gosystatsd-0.0.3-x86_64
- Use it
every time the command is executed it will update the specified statsd server with:
- disk usage
- memory usage
- cpu load average (multiplied by 100 to make it an integer value)
# with default options statsd listening on localhost port 8125
# custom host and port
gosystatsd -h myhost -p 9999
you should start seeing data in statsd similar to this
{ 'system.memory.total': 7710,
'system.memory.used': 3253,
'system.memory.free': 4457,
'system.memory.shared': 0,
'system.memory.buffers': 68,
'system.memory.cached': 984,
'system.memory.available': 5509,
'system.memory.usagePct': 29,
'system.cpu.loadavg.one': 139,
'system.cpu.loadavg.five': 215,
'system.cpu.loadavg.fifteen': 179,
'disk_usage.blocks.total.-dev-sda6': 19998104,
'disk_usage.blocks.used.-dev-sda6': 6941112,
'disk_usage.blocks.usagePct.-dev-sda6': 34