This is a toy loadbalancer that I built to better understand how Loadbalancers and Service Discovery works.
- RoundRobin Load Distribution
- Registration and Deregistration of backends through Service Discovery
- Cancellation propogation and timeouts(Configurable duration)
- Heartbeat and auto-deregistration during backend disconnection
- Supports all HTTP methods
- Handles requests concurrently from single and multiple clients
$ make run
- Import client library
$ go get
- Initialise client and pass the loadbalancer's address(lbAddr) and the server's listenaddress(*addr)
conn, _ := net.Dial("tcp", lbAddr)
c := client.Client{Conn: conn, Addr: *addr}
- URL pattern matched balancing
- Configurable strategy
- Hot reload config changes
- Export metrics about healthy servers
- CLI to add and remove backends and change strategy in realtime