This plugins exposes several key metrics from Hudson as JMX MBeans so they can be queried by monitoring tools.
- Executors: total number of executors
- ExecutorsIdle: Number of idle executors
- QueueLength: Length of the queue in hudson
- JobNames: Array of job names
- SlaveNames: array of names of slaves
- Architecture:
- AvailablePhysicalMemory: in bytes
- AvailableSwapSpace: in bytes
- ClockDifference: in ms
- Executors: Total number of executors
- ExecutorsBusy: Number of busy executors
- ExecutorsIdle: Number of idle executors
- FreeDiskspaceHudson: Free disk space where hudson_home is located
- FreeDiskspaceTemporary: Free disk space where points
- Name: name of node
- Online: boolean
- ResponseTime: in ms
- TotalPhysicalMemory: in bytes
- TotalSwapSpace: in bytes
- BuildCount: number of builds in the history
- Building: is the job currently building, boolean
- InQueue: is the job currently queued, boolean
- Name: Name