This repository contains the codes used to generate the CRAFT dataset as described in the paper:
CRAFT: A Benchmark for Causal Reasoning About Forces and inTeractions
Tayfun Ates*, M. Samil Atesoglu*, Cagatay Yigit*, Ilker Kesen, Mert Kobas, Erkut Erdem, Aykut Erdem, Tilbe Goksun, Deniz Yuret
NeurIPS 2021 Submission, Datasets and Benchmarks Track
OpenReview Preprint, Project Website
The dataset is available on Zenodo.
Below is a sample from the dataset, a video of the simulation and some of the questions asked:
Q: "What is the shape of the first object that collided with the tiny green circle? A: "Triangle"
Q: "After hitting the floor, does the small green triangle collide with other objects?" A: "False"
Q: "If the tiny green circle is removed, will the small green triangle fall to the ground?" A: "False"
Q: "If any of the other objects are removed, will the tiny green circle end up in the basket?" A: "True"
Q: "There is a tiny green circle, does it stimulate the tiny green triangle to fall to the floor?" A: "True"
Q: "Does the tiny green triangle lead to the small red circle ending up in the bucket?" A: "True"
Q: "There is a small red circle, does it enable the tiny green circle to hit the ground?" A: "True"
Q: "What is the number of objects that the small red circle allows to hit the floor?" A: "1"
Q: "There is a tiny green triangle, does it hinder the tiny green circle from going into the container?" A: "True"
Q: "How many objects are prevented by the tiny green triangle from falling into the basket?" A: "1"
folder contains the simulator that we used to render 2D physics simulations which output simulation data used to generate questions. You can go to here for detailed explanations.
folder contains the scripts used to generate the dataset by running simulations and generating questions. You can go to here for detailed explanations.
folder contains the training and testing scripts used to train the methods evaluated in our paper. You can go to here for detailed explanation.